A Little About Me

I enjoyed sports growing up: baseball, volley ball, swimming. I was never good at them, but I liked them.
Somewhere in life I found the couch and remote control.  Yikes!
I really packed on the pounds in massage school from 1997-1998.  I was stressed and didn't want to be there and ate...a LOT.

When I first met my husband, we went out for dinner a lot while we were dating.  Add some pounds again please with a side of more weight.

And it goes on.  So that's the "where did the weight come from" answer.

About my personality: I'm quirky, strange sense of humour, LOVE to laugh, nerdy, geeky, unpopular and totally enjoy my own company.  I love myself.  Over the years I discovered who I am and I'd have me as a friend.  (I am an emoticon freak and usually put "lol" and smiley faces everywhere, but am trying to avoid that on my blog and some of this sounds conceited, but I am not!)

I am married with two cats.  I never thought I was a cat person. Although I prefer dogs, I do enjoy my boys as well.

My husband and I were going to have three children within 2 years of one another: Michael, Ryan and Rachel.  I became quite ill and never let anyone know, other than my husband and doctors. I somewhat regret not letting others know as part of me wants them to know what I have overcome; yet, the private side of me is glad that nobody but my husband knows how horrific the pain and illness was that I experienced.  That leads me to why we do not have kids.  In 2009 I was diagnosed with cancer and had to have a hysterectomy immediately.

I won't dwell on that, but it explains my new goals.  My body struggled and won!! I owe it EVERYTHING.  Enough of being lazy; enough of eating junk all the time. This is the only body I will have.  I want to keep it a while longer!

I tried the Visalus Shakes in June of last year.  Within the first week, my energy levels increased; I was losing weight!!! WOW!! The Shakes tasted amazing (and I am one of the pickiest people you will meet) and when I saw and felt the results, I could not help but become a Promoter.
I've never believed in a Product like this before.  I see and hear results from real people all the time.  I am excited about Visalus Products.  I've never sold a thing in my life, but look at myself as a Promoter and not a salesman.  I want everyone to hear about Visalus and at least try it.  The rest is up to you.

Why the blog?
If no one reads it, it's still a great personal diary for me. It also helps me stay focussed and plug along as maybe someone is watching. I am willing to bet there are people who want to see me fail. To them, I say "good luck!" This is MY year!!!! Oh, you will still see me eat junk food from time to time, but not everyday!

And yes, I will post my website every so often on my blog, just so you don't have to search for it. http://www.bbvcid.com/

Friend me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/visalus2