Wednesday 7 November 2012

Day 15 - where has the time gone?

75 Days left of my Challenge and I will be knocking this out of the park! I am more focused than ever before. I will be starting to video tape and share my progress on Facebook as well.

You can cheer me on, or point and laugh - either way, I will be reaching my goals!

This pat weekend I was in St. Louis, MO for a ViSalus event and was blown away by the testimonials. I can do this too!

Ruby Gettinger (from her show "My 700 pound life") went on to share her testimony and jumped on the scale in front of thousands ... She weighed in at 337. That's a loss of roughly 360 pounds! If she can do it, I have no excuses. I am working towards the day that I don't dread hopping on the scale in front of others.

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