Tuesday 30 October 2012

Day 8 - this is so easy!

Monday completed Day 8 of my 90 Day Challenge. It was a gusty, windy day as Hurricane Sandy is ripping through. I can't complain. We saw damage from trees and wires being ripped down, but New Jersey and New York were posting pictures of the streets being thigh high in salt water. My thoughts are with all those who are victim of the storm.

I felt it was best to say home. I never worked out with my niece. I have to admit, I love the feeling after working out, but really dislike doing the actual work. I never realized how lazy I am before. I mean, I knew I was lazy - I just never knew I was this lazy.

I try so hard to not hop on the scale as I do get addicted. However, I had a peek last night as I won't be going to the doctor for two weeks.


Hmmmm ... I guess I'll give this working out thing another try this week.

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