Friday, 26 October 2012

Day 4 down...and a secret revealed to some folks

Day 4 has come and gone in a blink of an eye. It was a very long day, yet it flew by…if that’s possible.

I was busy at work and texted my niece to say I would be running 10-15 minutes behind. I offered that if that was too late that we could reschedule – which we did. I intended on going to the gym and doing some cardio, but then I logged in to work from home. Oh how I love work and VPN access! However, I got carried away and next thing I knew it was close to midnight.

I feel like I should have worked out and I do miss it. I’m ok with missing it though as it is ok to have a day off here and there. But I don’t want this to become a habit. So tonight, I will hit the gym after work!

There are two other things I am tremendously proud of. Lately, I have been telling everyone how I am finally doing a new activity daily and it is making a HUGE difference in my life. Every morning I wake up and choose my mood. It’s something most, if not all, of us have heard at one time or another, but it truly works! Every single day I wake up and decide that nobody will be able to bring me down….and they don’t! I don’t get sucked in by someone else’s negativity. That is the mood THEY chose. So I figured that if I could do that, I could stick to others things. The two new things I have consistently done are: 1) drink enough water all through the day (this was a very difficult task for me in the past and I have to make a conscious effort in order to get this done). 2) I am now smoke free!  A very large number of you didn’t even know I was a smoker. After finding out I had cancer, I became a smoker. Makes sense, right? HA! That was after the first time I had cancer….then I’d quit….then I’d get cancer….then I’d start. Well, I never really enjoyed it for the last while and after a little rough patch and wanting to say “this is too hard, I’ll just have one”, I finally got over the hump. I’m not having nicotine fits! I also have come to understand the reality that I am not a person who can just have a social cigarette.

I don’t know how my mind has changed…how everything has finally clicked, but I do know that every ounce of me (and that’s a LOT of ounces) is on board with this! This is my time to shine. I have made some incredibly positive changes in my life and it is all coming together: an absolutely incredible working environment; incredible Vinancial opportunities (get it? ViSalus + Financial….I just came up with that); and a new healthy lifestyle.

Who wants to join me on this journey? This is the best I have ever felt mentally, emotionally, financially and health wise. Well…health wise is coming along….it’s on the right track!

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