Wednesday 6 February 2013

Day 2 was disgusting AND delicious!

Day 2 of my Challenge was a lot more successful than Day 1. I had my shakes and snacks at decent times and made sure to drink water during the day.

My first shake was absolutely delicious:
- Orange Juice, strawberries, bananas and Vi-Shake

This afternoon, however, was a different story. I wanted to make an Apple Cobbler Shake but I forgot my apple and my recipe. So I improvised. I used a Peach Mix In and it was kind of gross to be frank. I love the Peach Mix In on its own as a cold drink. It was just WAY too sweet for the Shake I tried:
- 5 oz milk of your choice (I use Almond Milk)
- 5 oz boiled water
- Peach mix in
- 2-3 tbsp oatmeal
- Caramel drizzle

After that massacre, I totally redeemed myself! I had chocolate cake in the evening!! That’s right! Chocolate cake!! Vi-cake! It was delicious!

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