Wednesday 6 June 2012

Nope...Tuesday wasn't the day either! HA!

Ha! Oh well, it is what it is. Nope…I did NOT register my 90Day Challenge last night. I did stick to the Shakes, but just didn’t register. After work I headed back to Toronto and by the time I was home and settled it was well after midnight. No biggie…I’ll do it soon. (I don’t dare say I will do it “tonight”…just in case….)
Yesterday was an AWESOME day again. As a bonus, I got to spend some unplanned time with my husband. That’s always a welcomed surprise.
Today I am running on very little sleep, but I am in a terrific mood and looking forward to a relaxing evening. I need to rest up for an appointment tomorrow.
While I did have two Visalus Shakes yesterday, I will admit that I also had a bag of Zesty Cheese Doritos and TWO cans of pop…and it was delicious! I’d love to say that I felt guilty and sick after, but I didn’t. It was pretty satisfying actually. I am mentioning this for a couple of reasons: everyone has those days where they sway from their healthy eating; although I had the chips with no remorse, it doesn’t mean that it should be a “regular” snack…the odd treat now and then is just fine (as long as it is truly that – “now and then”).
So, while this really was not much of an update, I am trying to maintain regular updates here. Ha! I haven’t really been sticking to other things (registering the challenge, starting my exercise regime),  so maybe I can stick to this.

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