Tuesday 5 June 2012

Ok...Monday wasn't the OFFICIAL day...maybe Tuesday?

Monday was an awesome day! It was relaxing and calm and I was in an awesome mood. This past weekend I did a lot of reflecting. It became clear that I needed to focus on myself as I have lately been focusing my energy elsewhere. I don’t feel there is anything wrong with that – it is necessary in life from time to time. However, I did lose the balance and neglected myself fully.
Monday I decided would be day one of refocusing on me! And it was wonderful! While my “plan” was to start Day One of my 2nd 90 Day Challenge for 2012, I did not “officially” start. I did have two Visalus Shakes yesterday and ate healthier choices, but I didn’t register the Challenge on the Visalus Site with my starting weight and measurements. I just simply forgot to. So while I am back on track, I won’t call this Day One as I want to match it with the official Visalus countdown.
Work was awesome because I feel awesome. Too happy to care about any nonsense. Too relaxed to get uptight. Back to ME!!!
After work, I had stayed in town; had a nap; played some games on my iPad; played some more games on my iPhone; read some information and caught myself up on some Visalus information; went for a 45 minute walk and had a great night’s sleep.
Today has started off great because I decided it should be great. We truly do own our feelings and decide what our day will be like, folks. Trust me, it’s been a LONG time since I have decided my days should be great, but it makes a difference…others will benefit from it as well.
Tonight I will look at the gym schedule and if nothing there piques my interest, I will throw on the gym clothes and do my own workout incorporating techniques and exercises I learned with Caity or at Camp Gladiator. I will also be organizing my plan and getting my ducks in a row, so to speak. I am looking forward to planning my future and next steps.
By the way, it never even dawned on me that my comments regarding “big changes coming” and “going to live MY life” would give some the impression that I was talking divorce! I was shocked when I was asked that the other day. However, I went back and looked at some comments I put here and on Facebook and I can see how, if you didn’t know my husband and I, it would appear that’s was I was getting at. I assure you…it is NOT. I will be announcing some of these life changing decisions very soon.
For now, my main priority, as I’ve said, is MY health and fitness.

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