Tuesday, 31 July 2012

I Am Not Drowning....Yet! (in water consumption that is)

WOW!!! Thanks for all the tips on how to get more water into me. I never realized how many different ideas could be out there. I think I will first try one of the tips an old friend/colleague suggested: have a container that holds the amount of water I need to drink, fill it and have it at my desk or next to me and sip at it all day long. I think that one will work for me the best.
While I increased my water intake by 8 more ounces, I have roughly 24 more ounces to increase it by. I refuse to believe “slow and steady wins the race”. I know the importance of drinking water. Not just for weight loss (which water intake IS a huge factor in weight loss), but also the health benefits. Tomorrow I will start filling a large container and sip at it through the day. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Today we’ve been experiencing severe thunderstorms and downpours. I’m so not in the mood to do any exercises outside and I don’t feel motivated to do them inside either. Ugh. Not in the mood. I am, unfortunately, all too familiar with this feeling. I won’t let it win. Right after posting this, I am going to head downstairs and do squats, lunges, crunches and push ups. I just wanted to mention it because if you are also not feeling very motivated, I want you to know that you are NOT alone. NOW GET UP AND WORKOUT!

Today’s shakes were Visalus mixed with POM juice and Visalus mixed with Orange Juice. Both were delicious, but Orange Juice ones are still my favourite.

Talk to you tomorrow to let you know how the water drinking it going.

67 Days Remaining on the Mini Challenge

Well….Day One is down and it was an awesome day. I started the day with a Visalus shake mixed with Grape Tropicana juice. My lunch was a Visalus shake mixed with POM juice. Both were VERY yummy!

I was afraid it’d be difficult getting back into the swing of things. But it wasn’t. It just felt right! I know from my previous experience that Visalus DOES work and I am excited to see what my results will be this Challenge.

It does also help that I went public with the competition with my cousin (and now some friends who have joined). I find it gives me that little extra motivation. Accountability.

This evening I was busy unpacking and organizing from my move. (I moved back home over one month ago, but just finished moving my stuff from the apartment I was renting.) As it got later I felt less and less motivated to do any exercising…and it was HOT! I don’t do heat!!! But I recognized these were excuses and went to head out for a walk only to find some serious Police activity outside (not sure what it was). I refused to let this be an excuse, so right before posting this, I did 10 squats, 10 lunges each leg and 20 crunches. They were lazy and I was not into them, but it is better than NOTHING. Actually, as I write this now, I am thinking I will do some more. I am really kind of disappointed with my pathetic efforts.
One thing to mention…I recognize now that my biggest challenge will be drinking enough water. I really do not drink enough. Not nearly enough. I drank 16 oz today. Other liquids (shakes and juice), but not water. 

Anyone have any tips for drinking more water? Email me – info@bbvcid.com; leave a message here; or, send me a message on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/visalus2

Sunday, 29 July 2012

The Next 68 Days.....

It has been a long time since I have been on here updating you. Last you probably read was that I RETIRED!!! It was incredible! My husband and I fled to Nova Scotia and then many other little day trips. I was enjoying the relaxation…and THEN…I got an offer I could not refuse and started working again.

I LOVE my new job. It’s an incredible place to work and I am so happy!!

That gets you up to speed on the employment side of things. Now for the health side. Wellllll…I didn’t ever start my 90 Day Challenge. I fell into the world of excuses. Then I just stopped making excuses. I just kept busy and fell back into my old habits. Not my eating habits. Just my lazy habits.

I asked on Facebook for people to join me. I recognized I needed a kick in the pants. Last night my cousin posted that she will be losing 20 pounds in 69 days. I joked and said I would do the same but make it 21 pounds. By the end, we agreed that we will lose 25 pounds in 69 days. WOW! I know the last time I went public with my goal, I hit it – 30 pounds in 90 days. Sooooo…help me do the math here….WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?!?! I will do this! I will need to work harder than before and I cannot wait!

To prove my weight loss this time, I am going to get a note from my doctor at the end of the now 68 days to confirm the actual weight lost.

This is so exciting!!!

I will continue past the 68 days and will complete a Visalus 90 Day Challenge, but at this time I only have a weight goal for the first 68 days.

Anyone care to join us? We can motivate one another through the tough days!

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

So soon??? I'm a little surprised, but happy with the choice!

Sunday was the family BBQ for Canada Day. What a great crowd of folks! However, it was a difficult day as one family member was not present and his absence was felt by all. They do say it gets easier with time and I sure hope so. It was a difficult day for sure.

Monday was the day that our holiday was “recognized” and everything was pretty much closed, so it was a relaxing day…nowhere to go. I was going to move my things from my apartment, but I think I had too much sun at the BBQ and just needed to take it easy – and SLEEP lots – on Monday.
Today was an interesting day. Staying in Toronto; everyone around me going to work; hearing the rush hour traffic; planning my next road trip; wondering what I will do with my retirement – what organization will I donate my time to. I don’t know “why” I did it, but I decided to call one of the companies that were aggressively pursuing me recently. WOW! They made an offer I could not refuse! Soooooooooo... it looks like I will hold off on the retirement for a little bit. The offer was incredible, it is a position that I will enjoy and it falls into bigger plans of finishing renovations on my home to increase its value…which would be great considering we have a few things on the go in Nova Scotia. Oops! Did I not mention that one yet?
I guess we will find out together how long it will take before I just say “forget it, time to hit the East Coast for good”. In the meantime, I will be starting work again in the coming week. Hmmm…they managed to pull me from retirement. Ha ha!
My nephew and I had a bet. He bet me cookies that I’d go back to work next year and I said it’d be by the end of summer. I guess I win (?) and he owes me cookies!
I will still be actively involved with Visalus, so please continue to reach out to me for your Challenge Parties and information: www.bbvcid.com

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Happy Canada Day! (Long awaited update too!)

Well….here it is. My loooooong overdue blog to update you on the “news” I was leading up to. I’VE RETIRED!!! Yesiree, you heard me…RETIRED! As in - no longer working. You could argue that Visalus is work, but when it is that fun, is it really work?? Besides, the motto is “I get paid to party”. So it can’t be “work” then.
I gave my notice on June 19th and my last day was June 22nd. Yes, I gave two weeks’ notice. But they offered my last day to be June 22nd and I jumped all over it and took off for Nova Scotia. My paradise! I love it there. Absolutely love it. However, the areas I stay in are “in the sticks” as they say and I don’t get much internet service. So my blog had to wait until I returned.
Here’s the flip side to my retirement. While I did give my notice and did plan on kicking my feet up, I came home to my messages and have 3 job offers on the table. WOW! I’m a workaholic. I am debating if I accept one of them and work on completing my renovations and then sell and move to Nova Scotia. Hmmm…maybe I take the summer off and then look for a job if I still feel I want to work? Decisions, decisions.
No decision making today though…it is CANADA DAY! Time to kick back and relax and spend time with family and friends. (That’s why we returned home after only one week in Nova Scotia…we’ve been looking forward to a BBQ we were invited to since last year.)
On a note that I don’t really want to share, but will for the purpose of the blog, I really haven’t paid any mind to my body, health, etc for the last few weeks. So I am officially back in the mindset of looking out for me. I’ve written out a plan including when to work out. I will stick to it too. After all, every goal that I have ever reached was one that I wrote on the calendar. (I did write “retirement” on my calendar for mid-July this year, and I exceeded it!)
I have also updated my website with more FAQs and pictures. My clients are a little shy to be on the website. I am hoping to update soon with more before and after shots with a wider variety of body types. Check it out: www.bbvcid.com
Enjoy your day, whether is it Canada Day for you or not, it is still the weekend!! Woohoo!!