Tuesday 3 July 2012

So soon??? I'm a little surprised, but happy with the choice!

Sunday was the family BBQ for Canada Day. What a great crowd of folks! However, it was a difficult day as one family member was not present and his absence was felt by all. They do say it gets easier with time and I sure hope so. It was a difficult day for sure.

Monday was the day that our holiday was “recognized” and everything was pretty much closed, so it was a relaxing day…nowhere to go. I was going to move my things from my apartment, but I think I had too much sun at the BBQ and just needed to take it easy – and SLEEP lots – on Monday.
Today was an interesting day. Staying in Toronto; everyone around me going to work; hearing the rush hour traffic; planning my next road trip; wondering what I will do with my retirement – what organization will I donate my time to. I don’t know “why” I did it, but I decided to call one of the companies that were aggressively pursuing me recently. WOW! They made an offer I could not refuse! Soooooooooo... it looks like I will hold off on the retirement for a little bit. The offer was incredible, it is a position that I will enjoy and it falls into bigger plans of finishing renovations on my home to increase its value…which would be great considering we have a few things on the go in Nova Scotia. Oops! Did I not mention that one yet?
I guess we will find out together how long it will take before I just say “forget it, time to hit the East Coast for good”. In the meantime, I will be starting work again in the coming week. Hmmm…they managed to pull me from retirement. Ha ha!
My nephew and I had a bet. He bet me cookies that I’d go back to work next year and I said it’d be by the end of summer. I guess I win (?) and he owes me cookies!
I will still be actively involved with Visalus, so please continue to reach out to me for your Challenge Parties and information: www.bbvcid.com

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