Sunday 29 July 2012

The Next 68 Days.....

It has been a long time since I have been on here updating you. Last you probably read was that I RETIRED!!! It was incredible! My husband and I fled to Nova Scotia and then many other little day trips. I was enjoying the relaxation…and THEN…I got an offer I could not refuse and started working again.

I LOVE my new job. It’s an incredible place to work and I am so happy!!

That gets you up to speed on the employment side of things. Now for the health side. Wellllll…I didn’t ever start my 90 Day Challenge. I fell into the world of excuses. Then I just stopped making excuses. I just kept busy and fell back into my old habits. Not my eating habits. Just my lazy habits.

I asked on Facebook for people to join me. I recognized I needed a kick in the pants. Last night my cousin posted that she will be losing 20 pounds in 69 days. I joked and said I would do the same but make it 21 pounds. By the end, we agreed that we will lose 25 pounds in 69 days. WOW! I know the last time I went public with my goal, I hit it – 30 pounds in 90 days. Sooooo…help me do the math here….WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?!?! I will do this! I will need to work harder than before and I cannot wait!

To prove my weight loss this time, I am going to get a note from my doctor at the end of the now 68 days to confirm the actual weight lost.

This is so exciting!!!

I will continue past the 68 days and will complete a Visalus 90 Day Challenge, but at this time I only have a weight goal for the first 68 days.

Anyone care to join us? We can motivate one another through the tough days!

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