Sunday, 9 September 2012

Reach for your one will for you!

What an awesome last few days!

Friday was a great day at work. I got a lot accomplished and was so focussed. I truly love my job and the people I work with. That makes a huge difference! I really should update my blog more regularly though as I forget what I did Friday night. HA! Old age setting in?

Saturday was a nice spa day. It was pouring rain all night and into the morning and didn’t look like it would be breaking up anytime soon. I thoroughly enjoyed that spa – who doesn’t? When I was about to leave I texted my husband and asked him if he’d be up for a spontaneous trip to the States for shopping. Of course, he was….he loves going to the States. So off we went and did a little power shopping. We didn’t “need” anything, so it was just an afternoon/evening out and was quite inexpensive. That’s always nice!

Sunday, I slept in. Ahhhhhh….nice!!!! It was a lazy day around the house. I did some ViSalus work and made some calls. Then I did my daily check in on James Cordova. I can’t recall if I mentioned him here, but I’ve been mentioning him on Facebook and Twitter. He was ViSalus’ first Champion for the Body By Vi Challenge. He is a phenomenal human being and incredible father. He was diagnosed with cancer and two weeks ago was given 24-48 hours to live. He fought hard right up to the end. Sadly, I learned that he passed away this morning.

James is the third person I have learned had passed away in the last three days. The other two we very sudden…no warning signs at all. It goes to show that you never know when your time is up. I am not walking around in a state where I anticipate the end. I am not thinking doom and gloom. I am, however, happy that I am taking the steps to make my life healthier! Not to necessarily prolong my life….as I said, we never know when our time has come. Rather, the healthier I am, the more freely I can physically participate in events that are important to me!

I don’t want to leave this on a sad note, so I will now switch gears. I have had some dreams…some wishes…some bucket list items that I have thought of often. Lately, I have been reaching for these dreams and making them reality. It is surreal to me that opportunities that are presenting themselves since I have become a Promoter with ViSalus. It really makes me realize that NOTHING is out of reach if you put your mind and heart into it!

I will have some big news coming soon. I just don’t want to say something too soon. Well….big news for me anyway. Haha!

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