Friday 21 September 2012

This is my passion!

Last night was the Visalus Group Challenge Party in Oshawa. A friend of mine joined me and I hadn't seen her in years! It was so awesome to see her. She really enjoyed the Party and the Shakes and was glad she came. Me too! I love Challenge Parties! Everyone has a blast!

I think I mentioned here....I know I mentioned on Facebook....since I started this 90 Day Challenge with both the Vi-Shake and the Vi-Pak, the eczema on my fingers cleared up. Yesterday, my friend told me she noticed my skin looks so healthy and I am so much happier. I was beaming hen she told me that.

I've said it before and I'll say it's all about nutrition. Have you looked at the nutrition ViSalus provides? Watch the first video on my website:

The overall happy is a combination.of things:
1) I worked for one year in an environment that made me beyond miserable. Now I work in an incredible environment where I look forward to going to work each day.
2) I feel healthier and more energetic.
3) I've lost weight. Who doesn't get happy over losing weight when that is their goal and they are doing it in a healthy fashion?
4) ViSalus' income potential is more than I have ever dreamed about. I am no longer worried about "do I have enough for this vacation?" Or "can I pay this on time?"  It doesn't cross my mind.

ViSalus was an easy choice for me. I am promoting a product that is transforming lives financially and physically and watching people's lives change in a positive fashion right before my eyes. I really need to Promote this more! I wish to see all of my friends and family have an easier and happier life.

Last night I met an 18 year old who, in one month, is already earning 2000-3000 per month! His first car will be a FREE BMW!

I recently heard how the previous company I worked for "restructured" my entire team (except 2 so far) in the location I worked in. So sad. Very sad. I wish I could show them a crystal ball and have them see the money they could start to make in as little as one month.

Well, I've gone on long enough. This is my passion. This is my Vi-life. This is real life!

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