Sunday 1 April 2012

Day 82 - Eight Days Left of This Challenge

Well, I did it! Almost! I worked out on my own…partially. I did more of a “routine” than before at least. I am really not one to workout on my own. I love having a trainer and not thinking while I workout. I just want to be told or shown what to do. I think Caity is a wise investment and I missed her today…waaaah….I want Caity.
Ok, now that I am done whining, let’s see what I did today.

5 minute walking warm up

25 minutes of fast paced walking (I just plugged in to my music and didn’t want to stop walking. Also, I was gearing up for working out on my own.)

20 squats/calf lifts
10 lunges each leg
10 dead lifts each leg
30 second break (My husband was sitting out getting some fresh air…aka enjoying a cigar…so I put him to good use and used him as my stopwatch!)

20 squats/calf lifts
10 lunges each leg
10 dead lifts each leg
30 second break

20 squats/calf lifts
10 lunges each leg
10 dead lifts each leg
30 second break

12 modified standing tricep pushups
12 regular pushups
5 walk outs (these don’t seem to be getting any easier!)
30 second break

12 modified standing tricep pushups
12 regular pushups
5 walk outs
30 second break

12 modified standing tricep pushups
12 regular pushups
5 walk outs (I really wanted to give up on these in the first set. After the fourth one of this set, I really had to talk myself into doing the fifth one.)
30 second break

30 second plank

(That’s it!! That’s all I could…”wanted to”….do. I threw in the towel. When I saw that “wind sprints” were in there, I gave up. I was running out of steam and my feet were hurting bad right from the first squats. Actually, even a little while walking.)

5 minute walking cool down

I don’t count today as a failure. Nor am I at all disappointed in myself. I did more of a “workout” today that I have on my own in ages….years…perhaps even decades. I also had an appointment today that drained me and I also have never started a workout before after 25 minutes of fast paced walking. But, to be honest, I kind of already decided on my walk that I didn’t want to do the full workout. Did I mention that “I want Caity!!! Waaaaaaaaaah”?

After my workout I had a Visalus Shake mixed with the Visalus Pro Energy drink. Mmmmmmm. It is VERY sweet, but I have a sweet tooth! I quite enjoyed this shake.

My second shake was plain with milk. Hmmm…still not a fan of the Vanilla Cream flavour.

My foot pain bothers me. I recall approximately 5 years ago I had a trainer and started working out (albeit not whole heartedly). At that time I had foot pains, but once I changed my shoes they were better. This time though, I think it has something to do with the Plantar Fasciitis I had a few years back. It seems to be in that same region. You know…I really should just go have it all checked out.

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