Saturday 14 April 2012

An Update - Studying and Starting My Challenge SOON

Ok...sooooooooooo...I can't figure out how to have a second blog separated from the first blog, so I will just continue blogging here. (If that even made any sense.)

I have not yet started my second 90 Day Challenge of this year. I believe I said I was going to start last Monday...well...I didn't. We bought a new truck and I've attended some Networking events and had some appointments and just didn't "bother". I can't say I didn't have time because that's ridiculous. I just chose to have a poorly planned week and ate poorly as well. I felt it right away and wasn't all too please about it, but never changed my ways.

Now that I am sick of feeling gross and tired, I am starting my 90 Day Challenge officially on Monday. I will start two shakes a day again today, but the exercising on Monday and officially start the Challenge then.

I still can't decide what my new goal will be (other than to continue losing weight and being healthier). This time I lost almost 40 I say I want to lose 40 pounds this time? I think I will just start the Challenge and set my goal a few weeks in.

My first lesson plan arrived yesterday!! I started studying today. I am going to totally LOVE learning about nutrition and diet. I didn't want to put the lesson down, but I did allot a specific time to studying and I do have an appointment to get to, so I do have to leave my studies until my next allotted time.

I look forward to my next Challenge and an even HEALTHIER me! I will be blogging to you again soon. Take care everyone and good luck with your journey as well.

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