Tuesday 3 April 2012

Day 85 - Workin' It and Thinking of Texas

I am getting so excited! I can’t believe that my 90 Day Challenge is almost over – so excited to find out my end of Challenge results. Just as exciting, I am also a few days away from my next 90 Day Challenge.
Today’s Visalus Shakes were mixed with:
-       Frozen peaches, mangos, strawberries and pineapple
-       Orange Juice

I had some urgent matters to take care of today and I had a headache this afternoon. I popped some Advil before going to see Caity for a workout. While my head started to ache again near the end of the workout (and the rest of the night), I think my workout was still pretty awesome!

5 minute walking warm up

46 travel squats with a jump in between (this was tiring, but didn’t burn as much as squats used to)
33 travel lunges

25 tricep push ups (piece of cake…I was going to keep going, but Caity reminded me I still had to do another set)
16 push ups

12 glut raises per leg
12 fire hydrants per leg
12 glut crosses per leg (this was awkward to do)

25 tricep push ups (not as piece of cake-ish…started to push through at 20)
16 push ups

3 lengths of running 100 meters
3 lengths of walking 100 meters
(600 meters total) (I was trying to run there and back, but once I reached 100 meters, I started to get winded and panicked a little that my asthma was acting up…turns out I never had to use my puffer, but if you’ve had an asthma attack once, you know how scary it is to not be able to breath)

25 straight leg sit ups (my shoulders really come off the ground now and I did these quite quickly)
20 leg drops
30 standing obliques


Cool down walk

Once I have some time, I’m going to go back and put my workouts into an excel format to compare my progress over each workout. I don’t know why I didn’t think of that before. I’ve come along way and I think that would be an easy way to really see the improvements.

I want to close by saying that I hope all my friends and customers and their friends and families in Texas are safe and sound. There were tornados in the Dallas area today. I realize there are certain parts of the States (and the world) that natural disasters occur, but I never before knew anyone who lived there. I was, and still am, concerned for them. Wishing EVERYONE well tonight…stay happy, healthy and safe!

Good night everyone!

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