Thursday 26 April 2012

WOW - my blog is still up to date!

Three days of Camp Gladiator now completed! I took Monday off and got into it on Tuesday. Two days left and I am already looking forward to tomorrow. However….stupid shins! My shins started hurting yesterday, but they were unbearable today. I spoke with the trainer and he told me “no more running, walk it out”. Not surprising…after all, that IS what my doctor told me.  It just felt so good to be running again and all of it was on flat ground, so I thought I’d give it a shot. It’s ok though; everything else in Camp Gladiator sure keeps my heart rate up.

When I return to Canada, I will miss Camp Gladiator and working out with my friend. I have never enjoyed working out with others, but Caity started joining me in the workouts before I left and I was enjoying that. I do believe that I push myself harder while working out with someone I look up to physically. Actually, as I am typing this, I do recall pushing myself really hard a year ago when I was working out with my niece. Having said that, I do not enjoy working out in a gym nor indoor setting. I will on Tuesday evenings when I return for the TRX class at the YMCA, but I doubt I will join other classes. The TRX is challenging for me and will help work my core and therefore my balance.

This trip is coming to an end way too soon. I love the people here that I work with and also the strangers on the street that I am meeting. Have I mentioned that I love the Southern States? Would I move here? Noooooo…sorry folks, as much as I love you, I do NOT enjoy the heat! This morning at CG, I was feeling the heat and it was 5:30 in the morning!

For today’s shake I am going to mix it with some Trop 50 juice. Yesterday I said it would probably be mixed with Visalus Pro, but I changed my mind and did some juice and it was delicious.

Well…I am off to get ready for work now. Everyone have a great day!

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