Friday, 30 March 2012

Day 80 - Just a Busy dinner

Today was a day where I did not eat enough at all. I skipped dinner altogether just because I was busy and didn’t “bother” to eat. I was going to work out with Caity and when that got changed, I decided to take care of a bunch of things that were starting to pile up. Next thing I knew, it was the wee hours of the morning.
My shakes today were:
Visalus Shake mixed with Orange Juice and Cranberry Juice (just to try something slightly different than the orange juice – it was good; I’d have it again.)
Visalus Shake mixed with Hot Cocoa
There was no workout nor other form of exercise today. Just a busy evening and didn’t stop til morning.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Day 79 - Indoor Workout and now I am sleepy....

I was feeling a little better today. Couldn’t keep my morning shake down, but kept everything else down…even through my workout.
Today’s shakes were:
Visalus Shake mixed with hot cocoa and peppermint. Waaaaay too much peppermint this time.
Visalus Shakes mixed with Orange Juice. No surprise there.

Today was another AWESOME workout. There were no “breaks/rest periods” between each exercise today.

Warm Up was….

Boxing Combo – 16 per side (punch with the right arm, cross over punch with the left, right knee up and crunch into it….switch after 16)
Kick all ways - 12 rounds per leg (kick front, side, then back)
Knees up – 20 per leg
Power punches – 60

Workout was….

20 squats with 17 pound bar
20 dead lifts with 17 pound bar

16 shoulder presses with 5 pound weight
16 pushups

20 bicep curls with 17 pound bar
20 tricep presses with 5 pound weight

20 calf raises
20 toe raises 

10 superman
10 cobra

20 rows with 10 pounds
20 bridge raises

10 fire hydrants per leg
10 leg raises per leg

16 leg drops
25 extended leg sit ups
30 standing oblique crunches


I’d say it was a “lighter” workout, but I still had to push through all of it and I sweated hard. So I guess it was harder than I remember just 2 hours later. Old age…gets ya sometimes. Just sneaks up.

I feel amazing about my progress. My balance alone is enough to be ecstatic over. I used to fall over while just standing still. Now I do squats and lunges and kicks and stretches without batting an eye!

Well folks, I got 6 solid hours of sleep last night, which was the longest sleep I’ve had in ages, so I am keeping this short and heading to bed. Good night everyone!

Day 78 - Working Out While Sick Is...well...SICK

I was so very sick yesterday and it spilled over to today. Yesterday, however, I called in sick at work. Today, I dragged myself in. I was feeling much better, but still not able to keep anything down.

I managed to drink two shakes and eat a meal, but none of it wanted to stay with me….sigh:
Visalus Shake mixed with Hot Cocoa
Visalus Shake mixed with Peach Mix In

I figured that I was well enough to work, so I pumped myself with some gravol and headed for a workout.
Today was Circuit Training!

5 minute walking warm up

20 squats/calf lifts
10 lunges each leg
10 dead lifts each leg
30 second break
(Had Caity asked how I was doing at this point, I’d have told her I wanted to die…or to kill her. I was hurtin’)
20 squats/calf lifts
10 lunges each leg
10 dead lifts each leg
30 second break

20 squats/calf lifts (Perfect Form on all of the squats and lunges and balance was unbelieveable)
10 lunges each leg
10 dead lifts each leg
30 second break

12 modified standing tricep pushups
12 regular pushups
5 walk outs (blown away! I was struggling through these on Friday, but they were easier too)
30 second break

12 modified standing tricep pushups
12 regular pushups
5 walk outs
30 second break

12 modified standing tricep pushups
12 regular pushups
5 walk outs ( doing this three times was TOUGH. Almost fell on the last one and that was when I was getting up)
30 second break

5 wind sprints at a much further distance than Friday
1 minute break (wanted to lie down and sleep half way back through each set, but I KNOW I can do it, so I pushed on and am so happy that I did = sense of accomplishment. Also, I am still alive, so it didn’t kill me.)

5 wind sprints at a much further distance than Friday
1 minute break

5 wind sprints at a much further distance than Friday
1 minute break

20 second planks
20 second side plank

20 second side plank (other side)
no break
20 second planks
20 second side plank

20 second side plank (other side)
no break
20 second planks
20 second side plank

20 second side plank (other side)

5 minute walking cool down
I cannot believe how far I have progressed in a matter of 2 months! My balance is so much better and my mind set is a lot more positive. One other thing I noticed….the flab on my arm is disappearing!!!!!!!! Whoa!!

I did, however, vomit twice after the workout and almost twice during. The gravol wasn’t able to help for long. I knew I maybe should have taken the night off, but I was pumped to go and I did, after all, manage to go to work.

Besides, I have an out of town guest coming to work out with me soon and I will NOT let them see me all whimpy-like. Gotta step it up the next couple of weeks.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Day 77 - Not Feeling Well At All

Today I was not well at all. I was not able to eat/shake it up, but I did attempt to drink the Visalus Shake plain and another with the peach mix in.

As I was quite sick, I did not workout. This blog is short and sort of pointless, But I want to do my best with keeping on top of them.

Have a great day everyone and don’t catch whatever it is that’s going around. It’s NOT pretty!

Monday, 26 March 2012

Day 76 - Squeezing In Exercise on Sunday

Another day packed with appointments and places to be and things to do. I was going to meet up with someone and workout and the have dinner with them. You know, the girly type of catching up evening. We have not done that in ages.  Well, she had to work and was not able to workout with me and I had planned to go myself and meet for dinner after, but my appointments took me right up until it was time to meet her. I still did some exercising though after dinner.
Only one Visalus Shake today: Orange Juice with Visalus Shake Mix.

It was so awesome catching up with my favourite girl, but it was not long enough. Never is. However, when I got home I had a pounding headache….most likely because I am not sleeping well these days. I wanted to go straight to bed as I have a long commute Monday (since I didn’t go back to Kitchener), but my body was itching to “move” and I do want to do a minimum of 30 minutes per day of some form of exercise. So I did just that.

4.5 minutes of walking warm up
3.5 minutes of fast paced walking
4.5 minutes of moderate speed walking
3.5 minutes of fast paced walking
4.5 minutes of moderate speed walking
3.5 minutes of fast paced walking
4.5 minutes of moderate speed walking
3.5 minutes of fast paced walking
4.5 minutes of slower speed walking

I am updating this first thing Monday morning, so I can tell you that right after this I went straight to bed. Fell asleep within seconds! Alas, I was unable to get a good night’s sleep. I’m feeling like I am catching something. A head cold or something. Maybe just the change in weather. I have a throbbing headache again today.

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Day 75 - Sleepy Saturday

Today was yet another busy day for the most part. I had a few appointments through the day. I did, however, manage to take a nap in the afternoon and it was beautiful. I have not been sleeping much at all. This past week I have been commuting to work (at a minimum that is 1.5 hours away…sometimes 3 hours depending on traffic). So the lack of sleep had been catching up.

When I awoke from the nap, it was late evening. We ended up eating very late and I was feeling blah from not having done any exercise, so at 1:45 am my husband and I went for a walk.

4.5 minutes walking at regular pace
3.5 minutes walking at a fast pace
4.5 minutes walking at regular pace
3.5 minutes walking at a fast pace
5 minutes walking at regular pace
It wasn’t my best workout, but I felt better afterwards. I would have continued, but it was after 2am afterall.

I only had one Visalus Shake today:
Visalus shake with a peach mix-in.

Sunday is going to be fast paced and jam packed, but I did make time to see one of my favourite people. I am looking forward to that!! We were going to workout together first, but she now has to work. Since I made the time in my plans to work out with her…I am going to keep it in my plans and work out by myself. Even if I end up only doing cardio, it’s important to my health!

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Day 74 - FABULOUS Friday! FAVOURITE Friday! FANTASTIC Friday!

I am pumped about writing this blog today. Last week, I was on vacation and while I did exercise, I didn’t have a “workout”. I’ve been itching to get out there and “bring it”. Today, I “brought it”…and it felt FABULOUS!

Today’s Visalus Shakes were: Hot Cocoa and Orange Juice (two separate ones, not mixed together).

“The” Workout:

5 Minute Walking Warm Up

100 Meters of traveling squats with a jump after each one (approx. 40)
100 Metres of traveling lunges (approx. 40) – (both of these exercises were ones that I have done many times, but wow I sure felt them right away. I also have way better balance, my steps are larger and I get lower to the ground.)

20 Sumo Squats – (legs in a wide stance and squat…this hurt my feet. I find when I stand in certain positions with all my weight on my feet, they hurt still)
20 dead lifts per leg – (WOW did I ever feel these in my bum! Again, these hurt my feet after 16)

30 modified tricep push ups – (tricep pushups standing against a tree – these were in perfect form and done with ease up to 22 of them. The last 8 were difficult.)
15 modified push ups – (these amazed me, I’d only done 10 previously and after 6 they were tough. This time it didn’t get tough until I hit 10)

5 Wind Sprints – (this was a new exercise for me. I ran a short distance, touched the ground, ran back, touched the ground, ran double the distance, touched the ground, and ran back to the beginning and touched the ground. “Sprint” is not quite what I did…more of a jog. My legs felt very heavy the first set, but it was easier after that…and…and…my feet did NOT hurt – nor did my shins.)

25 modified tricep push ups – (I didn’t make it to 30 this time which tells me that I should keep the 1st set lower. To be able to do the same amount the next time.)
25 modified push ups

30 standing oblique crunches
20 standing centre crunches

5 walkouts – (This was new for me, Stand with feet together, bend over and touch the ground, walk out on hands until I am in plank (push up) position and then walk using hands back and push up to standing position. These felt AMAZING but were difficult. Afterwards, Caity told me this was an advanced move. I felt AWESOME!)

16 leg drops – (Lying on my back with my legs straight up and while keeping them straight, drop them slightly and use my lower ab muscles to pull my legs back up. LOVED these!)
25 situps (These I generally would call crunches – not the old style sit ups from when I was a kid and we’d lie on our back, have someone hold our feet and we’d sit right up. These were where you lie on your back and just bring your shoulder blades off the ground. For the first time EVER…EVER…my shoulder blades came off the ground!)

Plank for 1 minute and 10 seconds
30 second side plank each side


5 minute walking cool down

-       My balance is much better and the depth of my lunges and squats are much deeper
-       The push ups were much quicker and more controlled and I was able to do so many more
-       “Wind Sprints” …my shins didn’t hurt and this is something I initially didn’t think I’d get through as easily as I did
-       The walkouts blew my mind. I used to have a heard enough time getting up from the ground…to push up from a plank position and NOT fall on my face?? Mind blowing!
-       The leg drops were controlled and I could really feel the abs working. This was the first time I’ve ever done this exercise where my legs we controlled movements
-       The situps. WOW. I am still in shock. My shoulder blades came off the ground! They have never, ever done that before!! Not in these crunch style sit ups. I was almost crying with joy. Almost.

A few personal things I noticed:
-       OK…so this is a little “embarrassing” to tell the world; especially when I have no clue who is reading this. But, I think it is important to mention some of the physical things I am noticing and this is one of them. I had to wipe something off the back of my pants the other day and when I did I hesitated as I notice “Whaaa??? My bum is rounder!” I had to rub my bum again to feel it. It IS…it is getting SHAPE to it. Not just this big long thing I sit on. It is less “long” as it is starting to round on me!!!!
-       When I shower and am washing my legs, I notice a new, nice shape to my lower leg and calf. Now…I must say, when I look in the mirror, they look smaller somewhat, but I still have cankles and they are still large. But I truly see a difference.
-       While driving today I glanced down and noticed that my thigh was not as wide.
-       At home I noticed that I have oomf when I go up the stairs. Not just plodding up them, there is a bit of a bounce to my step.
-       I actually kept up with a very energetic 5 year old last week! That hit me today. I don’t recall the last time I had that much energy to keep up with a kid all day long and not feel drained.

After my workout today, I felt the most incredible I have ever felt after a workout. My accomplishments made me feel on top of the world and just the stress release alone was more than worth the hour of my efforts! I didn’t notice this right away, but on the drive home it hit me….I didn’t care about any of the people walking by the park or out on their back decks. In fact, as I was sweating and catching my breath after some of the exercises, I would smile and nod at a passer-by. This is a huge difference. To not care of what people think of my out of shape big butt doing exercises. I honestly didn’t even care. I am so proud of myself for committing to getting into shape that their thoughts do not matter at all. Ha! In fact, wait til they look out and see me again in a few weeks and the improvements I am making. Hmmm….maybe I should have a billboard to advertise my Visalus.

Tomorrow I have a lot on my plate, but will be working out with one of my favourite people. We made plans to get together and I suggested that one of the things we do is hit the gym. I can’t wait.

Friday, 23 March 2012

Just Some Comparison Photos

Days 65 - 73 Met a Goal and Had Some Eye Opening Realizations

Wow. I think I’ll just stop saying “I’m behind on my updates” as I seem to miss updating my blog relatively often. From March 10 – 19 I was on vacation and we took a road trip to Florida. It was incredible. I love vacationing in Florida for a few reasons: we vacationed with an awesome family that I enjoy spending time with; I LOVE road trips; the weather is gorgeous and I love swimming and hanging by the pool(s); it was much needed time off.

While I was off, I did keep up well with my Visalus Shakes. By the way, I tried that Turtle Cheesecake Shake recipe three times. I’m not sure why I kept trying…hopeful I’d like it I guess. I did not. I am a real sweets person, but I think with everything in that shake being low-fat or sugar free it just really wasn’t sweet enough to pass as cheesecake for me. I do, however, enjoy the Strawberry Cheesecake shake from time to time.

My Visalus shakes over the last week or so have been: Turtle Cheesecake; Pina Colada; Orange Juice; Banana; Hot Cocoa; Chocolate Mix In; Fresh Raspberry and Blueberry.

During my vacation I did not have a “work out” as I had planned. I did exercise everyday with laps/playing in the pool (my little cousin can play hard, sometimes it was a struggle to keep up with her – what a workout!) and walking the malls. I also walked to the face pool a few times (it took me 20 minutes to walk it until I was shown the shortcut which then took only 12 minutes). I managed to drag myself to the gym one of the days…that made me laugh. I walked in, looked around and left and then did my travelling lunges and squats on the balcony back at the condo. I really do NOT have ANY interest in working out on my own. Caity is phenomenal, don’t get me wrong. She has educated me every step of the way on “how” to do everything properly and I do know how to…I just don’t want to! The way I see it, I absolutely love to work out when I am with Caity. So to me, that is what I need to do. I will work out hard with her. If she is not available, or I am away,  I will find a fitness class or work out partner for those times. I didn’t feel bad though as I was exercising and doing my Shakes and working towards my New Year’s Resolution goal the entire week….which brings me to my next point….

I LOST 30.2 POUNDS BY MY BIRTHDAY (this week) SINCE MID-JANUARY!!!!!! I did it!!!!!!!!! I put my mind to it and I did it!!!!

Speaking of my birthday, I enjoy getting older. I look forward to my 40s. I always have loved getting older. I now also believe you get wiser as you get older. Not more book smart or savvy per se, but wiser. It has really hit home this week what is important. People are. Period. Folks, surround yourself with positive people who treat you with respect. Don’t allow yourself to be sucked in by negativity. Since I returned from vacation, I have had some serious issues to deal with…a lot of bad news at one time and some hard times. My focus is to dedicate my time to work ONLY during working hours and then I am where I need to be and taking care of what I need to take care of. In the great scheme of things, it has been an easier week than I expected. I ignored the negative nillys and only kept in contact with the positive people or those who needed MY positive energy.

This does tie in to my regular blog….even though it sounds like a lecture. Since starting my new “Visalus Life” I have reaped the benefits of eating healthier; gained energy; loss of weight; working out and taking better care of myself. I also think that with this healthier lifestyle, I am able to see my true potential and what I have to offer and what I have to gain (not weight!).

They say you attract like people. Well isn’t is funny that my life is now full of people who are motivated and inspired by me…ME…let me repeat that…ME!!! Who am “I” to inspire anyone? Interesting…because the people in my life are my inspiration and motivators too. My haters used to be my motivators. I was partially doing this to prove them wrong. Things have changed my friend. My haters are in the background and I am not caring what they say. I am changing my life for ME and ONLY me! Those days that I am feeling down and out, it’s my positive friends whom I listen to. I need not “ask” for them to pick me up. I need not tell them I am down. I just stop and listen and they are always sending me positive energy.  So…”who am I to inspire anyone?” I’m just a regular Joe who wants to also see others reach their goals and will do what I can to support my friends with words and actions.

On the way back from Florida, we stopped in North Carolina for the evening. I met some very incredible people. I met these folks using Visalus as a connection. Had I not had that initial connection, I’d have most likely not met these folks. It doesn’t mean that Visalus will be our ongoing connection; the centre of our relationship with one another. It just means that’s how we met. Another benefit to my Vi-life. I love meeting people and connecting and learning from people with different experiences and perspectives. It seems I am meeting others who are also positive people.

It’s been one eye opening month and I am looking forward to getting back to my work outs with Caity (starting this evening). 17 days left of this 90 Day Challenge. I can’t wait to see what the outcome is. I will not be taking a break and will jump right in to my next 90 Day Challenge with new goals right away.

I promise that future blogs won’t be as “preachy”. Deal?

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Day 64 - Tanning Tuesday

Today, while I did not head to the gym, was a very active day. I walked to and from the far pool 3 times (total of 52 minutes walking) and then spent the entire day swimming. I did a few laps and had some races and played “dive for the toy” games with my cousin. After 3 hours of constant swimming (and two hours of sitting in the sun/pool) I figured I got quite the workout. Also, I had a splitting headache from the sun.

My Visalus shakes today were:
TurTle Cheesecake (I was not keen on that but I used the chocolate mix in instead of cocoa….next time I’d use the cocoa.)
Orange Cremesicle. That was even better than usual when it is in the sun with loads of ice!

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Day 63 - Exercised but didn't "workout"

This morning was spent walking a few malls with my husband. In the afternoon I went for a swim with my little cousin, but we played and didn’t do laps. I fully intended to go to the gym tonight and even bought a new dry fit shirt while we were out.

After dinner, a carload of us went out for a “quick” run to the mall to pick up one item. I was pumped to go to the gym after we went shopping, but we returned 5 hours later, close to midnight. HA! So much for a quick run to the store.

I felt better having walked a lot in the malls and playing in the pool because at least I was not just lazing all day. Tomorrow I will definitely head to the gym!

My Visalus shake was a peach mix in. I only had one shake today.

Day 62 - Sunday's Short Blog

Sunday’s blog…’s now Monday – actually, after midnight, so it’s now Tuesday.

Sunday was a lazy and rainy day. Everyone was napping and lazing around and I kept thinking “I really need to lose the 8 pounds this week!” So I finally got up and took my little 5 year old cousin to the swimming pool in the pouring rain and swam laps with her. She is a very strong swimmer and swims like a fish!!

I felt much better having moved around and getting some exercise.

My Visalus shakes were both fresh banana and chocolate mix in.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Days 59, 60, 61 - ROAD TRIIIIIIPPPPP

Day 59 was Thursday, March 8. I received devastating news that day and although I recall doing some shakes, I cannot remember what they were and nothing was even really important that day.

Days 60 and 61 were travelling days. ROAD TRIP!!! On this trip I tried on of our newer Products…Visalus GO. It is a shot of instant energy that many of our athletes use prior to a workout, marathon, etc. I have not tried GO before, but I did most of the driving on this 26 hour drive and at one of our fuelling up stops, I tried it. WOW!!! That stuff REALLY works! I was so impressed. Not only did it wake me up and give me energy, I was more alert and thinking clearly. It cleared the brain fog and kept me alert for another 3 hours. I cannot wait to try it prior to a workout so I can see what results it will have in that situation!

Half way through the drive, I was feeling cooped up and like I needed some exercise. The car I was travelling with and I pulled over to fuel up and I took advantage of the break. Myself and two occupants of the other car did a few laps of running around the parking lot. I felt so much better after that.

So now I am settled in and looking forward to a week of workouts and relaxation. I need to lose 8 more pounds to meet my goal of losing 30 by my birthday. Since I am on vacation and have no schedule, I will take advantage of my free time to exercise and get into a healthy routine for the week.

Talk to you soon!

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Day 58 - Another short and sweet one

Today’s blog is another short one and is written on the morning of Day 59. Right after work I had an appointment. Normally, it’d be a 2.5 hour drive, but traffic was horrendous and it took 3.5 hours. My tail bone smarts today. By the time I got home to my bed it was 2am. I spent the night at my own house and commuted to work in the morning which means it was another sleepless night.

My Visalus shakes today were fresh banana and strawberries (been a long time since I got “creative”) and the other was mixed with instant coffee.

Very much looking forward to my workout tonight!!

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Day 57 - Landslide! Well...I slid anyway

Today’s blog is a short one. I had a hectic morning with an appointment that ran over time and made me late for work. I also had an appointment in the evening 2 hours away and had to leave at my regular shift end time. As a result, I ended up coming back to work just after midnight until 2am to make up the time.

As the appointments were stressful and the day was extremely long (as will be tomorrow), I “chose” to use that as an excuse and only had one shake today: of course it was the orange juice one.

There was no time for a workout as I was either in the car, in an appointment, or at work. Tomorrow will be similar in driving time and busyness, but this time I won’t make excuses and will stick to the two shakes for the day.

Looking forward to Thursday when I meet Caity again for an intense workout!!

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Day 56 - Working Out When Tired = Push Harder!

Today I was very tired. I could feel it in my workout too. I had to really push with everything I did. That’s not a complaint; just something I was aware of.

Today’s Shakes were: Hot Cocoa with peppermint extract and one mixed with orange juice.

Today’s Workout:

Warm up 

16 squats with 17 lbs bar
16 dead lifts with 10 lbs weights

10 shoulder raises with 10 lbs weights
10 shoulder presses with 10 lbs weights

Calf raises
Toe raises

6 medicine ball throws with 8 lb. ball

10 bicep curls with 17 lbs bar
10 tricep kick backs with 5 lbs weights

19 travel lunges
25 travel squats

Side leg raises

10 bar rows with 17 lbs bar
10 wide grip bar rows with 17 lbs bar

20 push ups

10 each side – punch knee combo
12 forward kicks on each leg
12 knees in each side

Medicine ball throws with 8 lbs ball
20 standing oblique twist crunches


What I recognized today:
-      my lunges and squats are really getting deep and my balance is so much better
-     push ups are killer when you’ve been working your arms
-     I am making a conscious effort to push as hard as I can each workout now and I feel amazing after!!

Due to personal things that need to be taken care of, I will not be meeting Caity again until Thursday. Yikes! I miss the workout already!

Monday, 5 March 2012

Days 53-55 Hectic Weekend But Great (weigh in) Results!

I am finding that my weekends are just so packed these days that I don’t really keep up on my blog. Generally, I have been running around like crazy taking care of people and things and I don’t make the time to workout. That’s going to change, however. As well, I will be bumping my workouts with Caity to four times per week soon.

My Visalus shakes this weekend were all mixed with Orange Juice.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh…I came across a “new” recipe I cannot wait to try – Turtle Cheesecake. Who says you can’t have “cheesecake” and lose weight?

This time, I remembered to weigh in at the doctor’s office. But before I tell you the weight loss results, I will tell you about my shins. When I started running, my shins were not hurting. It has just been since my tailbone fracture that I have had issues with shin pains (coincidently). My doctor went over form with me and I have great form when I run, so that’s not it. I have good shoes, so that’s not it. He is suggesting that I do not run on grades until my body is fully used to running. He also suggested that I try grades after losing 20 more pounds. He recognized that people my size and bigger can certainly run, but he is suggesting this so I don’t injure myself early on and get deterred from keeping it up. Fair enough.

So….my weigh in….
Remember that I gave my unofficial weigh in the other day? I said I didn’t like to use other scales and wanted to keep to the same one each time. I said that because sometimes the “other” scale will show a greater weight loss than what it actually is. Not this time! I am down 21 pounds!!!!

My new year’s resolution was that if I do not lose 30 pounds before my birthday in March I will dress in a pumpkin costume and go shopping at Walmart and post the video to YouTube. When I set that goal, it was with the intent that I would have started my 90 Day Challenge with a matter of timing that my birthday was at the end of the 90 Days. Not ¾ of the way through. But I am a woman of my word, and if I don’t lose the 9 pounds in the next two weeks, I will be posting the video. Eep.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Day 52 - I thought I was...but I wasn't...but now I am

My life has changed a lot in this past year and it is still changing. While many changes have been a conscious decision, some have been on their own accord…or following suit perhaps. During these changes I have been paying closer attention to myself, my feelings and my actions. Sometimes I am surprised at my new discoveries.

Last night was an incredible workout and journey…so was tonight. Last night, I pushed harder than ever before. Today was when it became so clear. I “thought” I was really pushing myself with my workouts, but I was not. Oh sure, I was not being lazy. But I was also only giving 85-90% and really…what’s the point of that? So, starting last night, I give my workouts my ALL.

Today’s Shakes were both Hot Cocoa with peppermint extract.

Today’s Workout:

Warm up 

4 sets of 45 seconds running/1 minute walking
(By now you can guess what I am about to say. Yep – my shins were hurting to the point that I had to stop. I even focussed on my form to make sure I was neither too far forward nor leaning back while I was running. It is definitely muscular pain.)
Walk for 27 minutes

30 weighted cross body punches with 3 lb. weights
6 medicine ball throws with 8 lb. ball

16 supermans (On hands and knees on a mat and you stretch out one arm and the opposite leg and alternate. When I started with Caity, we tried these and had to skip them because I literally had no balance whatsoever. All the core training has helped my balance and form!)
10 Cobras (Lying on my stomach, hands behind my head and using my back muscles I pull my chest off the floor. Basically a reverse crunch. We tried these the same day as the superman when I started and I could not lift my chest off the ground. My, how things have changed.)

20 standing crunches
20 standing oblique crunches
(Both of those crunches were hugely improved. In the beginning of training my feet would slam back on the ground. Now, I can control the movements and slowly raise and lower my legs.)

10 push ups on knees
10 standing push ups
20 standing tricep push ups
(Oh yeah!! These were tough. I was really feeling the workout from last night with these.)

1 minute plank from knees (Last time was one minute from a push up position – on toes – not this time….my body was exhausted from the night before and little sleep. I still held it with great form, but my body was shaking.)


What I recognized today:
-      It’s a much better workout when you are there…in the game…giving it your all.
-      I am beaming from noticing my milestones!! (Caity really helps with those – I completely forgot that I could not do the superman and cobra until she mentioned it.)
-     I am no longer upset when I can’t do something (i.e. run, due to pain in the shins) because there are so many other ways to target the same muscles.
-     While my original goal was to train for a half marathon in October, I am ok if it turns out I am not destined to be a runner. It does not mean I failed, it means my focus is changing. Tough Mudder piques my interest more anyway.

Another awesome workout today! Time for me to hit the sack. I wanted to be in bed before midnight – I have a few minutes to get there. Thanks again for popping by. Feel free to start/continue sharing your thoughts and suggestions with me.

Day 51 - My Favourite Blog...(and an unofficial weigh in)

You may have read yesterday that I felt suddenly ill last night and did not do my workout. I felt a lot better later in the evening and was well today. However, I was not at all in the mood to workout. I texted Caity to let her know that I was not in the mood but I was coming anyway. More or less to give her a heads up that I needed to be pushed. After I texted her, I realized that I really did want to workout but I was not in the mood to get wet and cold. It was rainy and a little chilly, but I was not up for it. So I texted her back and told her this.

When I arrived at Caity’s, I was pumped! I was happy we were not going outside. I generally prefer outside and look forward to it even in the rain. I was curious how tonight’s workout was going to go since we had not done an indoor session. IT WAS THE BEST WORKOUT I HAVE EVER HAD!!! I am so proud of myself and beaming!!

Today’s Shakes were both Hot Cocoa without the peppermint extract this time.

Today’s Workout:

Warm up 

16 squats – 17lbs
(I have not done these in years and I believe the most I ever did was 10 lbs)
16 dead lifts – 10lbs

10 – 5lbs shoulder raises
10 – 10lbs shoulder presses
10 – 17lbs bicep curl with bar
10 – 5lbs tricep kickbacks

19 travel lunges (I could not believe this! You should have seen me – perfect form, great balance, deep lunges. SO PROUD!)
25 travel squats (Perfect everything with these. I really pushed hard to pump out the last 4 and kept them as strong as the first!!)

20 pushups (After 10 I stopped for a brief moment to readjust and hammered out the last 10. It was tough, very tough, but I was determined and I did it!! My form was perfect!)

10 (each side) punch knee combos (WOW! Even these amazed me. I was not just flopping around and uncoordinated…had you walked past me I’d have knocked you out.)
12 (each leg) forward kicks (We never did these before. I was gooooooooooooooood. Pushed them out like I was a pro.)
12 (each side) knee crunches

12 medicine ball throws – 8lbs
20 standing oblique crunches


What I recognized today:
-       I am able to really see how far I’ve come and the major improvements.
-       It’s true what Caity has said…my mind will give up before my muscles will. I took that knowledge and rocked it out tonight.
-       I acknowledged my progress and was able to pat myself on the back and am super proud of myself. Before I’d be proud-ish, but in the back of my head would think of how much further I need to go instead of how far I have come.
-       Today was my first full body workout and I am hooked!
Today at work my pants kept falling down (not off); I had to keep pulling them up. So after my workout I went up the street to the YMCA and had a shower and soak in the hot tub and then weighed myself. I don’t like to do that outside of the doctor’s office because I like to stick to the same scale. The YMCA has the same style scale. While I still consider the doctor’s office to be my official weight and I want to double check, I will tell you that the scale at the YMCA indicated that I am down 16.5 lbs since I started 51 days ago!

Yes…I am so very proud of myself!!

So I do have one question for you. Yes, this is some advertising.
Bathing suit season is approximately 90 days away…why don’t you start transforming your body now too? 30 day money back guarantee…what have you got to lose other than weight?

Check it out: