Wednesday 28 March 2012

Day 78 - Working Out While Sick Is...well...SICK

I was so very sick yesterday and it spilled over to today. Yesterday, however, I called in sick at work. Today, I dragged myself in. I was feeling much better, but still not able to keep anything down.

I managed to drink two shakes and eat a meal, but none of it wanted to stay with me….sigh:
Visalus Shake mixed with Hot Cocoa
Visalus Shake mixed with Peach Mix In

I figured that I was well enough to work, so I pumped myself with some gravol and headed for a workout.
Today was Circuit Training!

5 minute walking warm up

20 squats/calf lifts
10 lunges each leg
10 dead lifts each leg
30 second break
(Had Caity asked how I was doing at this point, I’d have told her I wanted to die…or to kill her. I was hurtin’)
20 squats/calf lifts
10 lunges each leg
10 dead lifts each leg
30 second break

20 squats/calf lifts (Perfect Form on all of the squats and lunges and balance was unbelieveable)
10 lunges each leg
10 dead lifts each leg
30 second break

12 modified standing tricep pushups
12 regular pushups
5 walk outs (blown away! I was struggling through these on Friday, but they were easier too)
30 second break

12 modified standing tricep pushups
12 regular pushups
5 walk outs
30 second break

12 modified standing tricep pushups
12 regular pushups
5 walk outs ( doing this three times was TOUGH. Almost fell on the last one and that was when I was getting up)
30 second break

5 wind sprints at a much further distance than Friday
1 minute break (wanted to lie down and sleep half way back through each set, but I KNOW I can do it, so I pushed on and am so happy that I did = sense of accomplishment. Also, I am still alive, so it didn’t kill me.)

5 wind sprints at a much further distance than Friday
1 minute break

5 wind sprints at a much further distance than Friday
1 minute break

20 second planks
20 second side plank

20 second side plank (other side)
no break
20 second planks
20 second side plank

20 second side plank (other side)
no break
20 second planks
20 second side plank

20 second side plank (other side)

5 minute walking cool down
I cannot believe how far I have progressed in a matter of 2 months! My balance is so much better and my mind set is a lot more positive. One other thing I noticed….the flab on my arm is disappearing!!!!!!!! Whoa!!

I did, however, vomit twice after the workout and almost twice during. The gravol wasn’t able to help for long. I knew I maybe should have taken the night off, but I was pumped to go and I did, after all, manage to go to work.

Besides, I have an out of town guest coming to work out with me soon and I will NOT let them see me all whimpy-like. Gotta step it up the next couple of weeks.

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