Sunday 11 March 2012

Days 59, 60, 61 - ROAD TRIIIIIIPPPPP

Day 59 was Thursday, March 8. I received devastating news that day and although I recall doing some shakes, I cannot remember what they were and nothing was even really important that day.

Days 60 and 61 were travelling days. ROAD TRIP!!! On this trip I tried on of our newer Products…Visalus GO. It is a shot of instant energy that many of our athletes use prior to a workout, marathon, etc. I have not tried GO before, but I did most of the driving on this 26 hour drive and at one of our fuelling up stops, I tried it. WOW!!! That stuff REALLY works! I was so impressed. Not only did it wake me up and give me energy, I was more alert and thinking clearly. It cleared the brain fog and kept me alert for another 3 hours. I cannot wait to try it prior to a workout so I can see what results it will have in that situation!

Half way through the drive, I was feeling cooped up and like I needed some exercise. The car I was travelling with and I pulled over to fuel up and I took advantage of the break. Myself and two occupants of the other car did a few laps of running around the parking lot. I felt so much better after that.

So now I am settled in and looking forward to a week of workouts and relaxation. I need to lose 8 more pounds to meet my goal of losing 30 by my birthday. Since I am on vacation and have no schedule, I will take advantage of my free time to exercise and get into a healthy routine for the week.

Talk to you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sheila,
    Glad you reached safetly and hope you have a great vacation. I hope you reach your goal and are able to loose the 8lbs! See you when you get back.

