Friday 23 March 2012

Days 65 - 73 Met a Goal and Had Some Eye Opening Realizations

Wow. I think I’ll just stop saying “I’m behind on my updates” as I seem to miss updating my blog relatively often. From March 10 – 19 I was on vacation and we took a road trip to Florida. It was incredible. I love vacationing in Florida for a few reasons: we vacationed with an awesome family that I enjoy spending time with; I LOVE road trips; the weather is gorgeous and I love swimming and hanging by the pool(s); it was much needed time off.

While I was off, I did keep up well with my Visalus Shakes. By the way, I tried that Turtle Cheesecake Shake recipe three times. I’m not sure why I kept trying…hopeful I’d like it I guess. I did not. I am a real sweets person, but I think with everything in that shake being low-fat or sugar free it just really wasn’t sweet enough to pass as cheesecake for me. I do, however, enjoy the Strawberry Cheesecake shake from time to time.

My Visalus shakes over the last week or so have been: Turtle Cheesecake; Pina Colada; Orange Juice; Banana; Hot Cocoa; Chocolate Mix In; Fresh Raspberry and Blueberry.

During my vacation I did not have a “work out” as I had planned. I did exercise everyday with laps/playing in the pool (my little cousin can play hard, sometimes it was a struggle to keep up with her – what a workout!) and walking the malls. I also walked to the face pool a few times (it took me 20 minutes to walk it until I was shown the shortcut which then took only 12 minutes). I managed to drag myself to the gym one of the days…that made me laugh. I walked in, looked around and left and then did my travelling lunges and squats on the balcony back at the condo. I really do NOT have ANY interest in working out on my own. Caity is phenomenal, don’t get me wrong. She has educated me every step of the way on “how” to do everything properly and I do know how to…I just don’t want to! The way I see it, I absolutely love to work out when I am with Caity. So to me, that is what I need to do. I will work out hard with her. If she is not available, or I am away,  I will find a fitness class or work out partner for those times. I didn’t feel bad though as I was exercising and doing my Shakes and working towards my New Year’s Resolution goal the entire week….which brings me to my next point….

I LOST 30.2 POUNDS BY MY BIRTHDAY (this week) SINCE MID-JANUARY!!!!!! I did it!!!!!!!!! I put my mind to it and I did it!!!!

Speaking of my birthday, I enjoy getting older. I look forward to my 40s. I always have loved getting older. I now also believe you get wiser as you get older. Not more book smart or savvy per se, but wiser. It has really hit home this week what is important. People are. Period. Folks, surround yourself with positive people who treat you with respect. Don’t allow yourself to be sucked in by negativity. Since I returned from vacation, I have had some serious issues to deal with…a lot of bad news at one time and some hard times. My focus is to dedicate my time to work ONLY during working hours and then I am where I need to be and taking care of what I need to take care of. In the great scheme of things, it has been an easier week than I expected. I ignored the negative nillys and only kept in contact with the positive people or those who needed MY positive energy.

This does tie in to my regular blog….even though it sounds like a lecture. Since starting my new “Visalus Life” I have reaped the benefits of eating healthier; gained energy; loss of weight; working out and taking better care of myself. I also think that with this healthier lifestyle, I am able to see my true potential and what I have to offer and what I have to gain (not weight!).

They say you attract like people. Well isn’t is funny that my life is now full of people who are motivated and inspired by me…ME…let me repeat that…ME!!! Who am “I” to inspire anyone? Interesting…because the people in my life are my inspiration and motivators too. My haters used to be my motivators. I was partially doing this to prove them wrong. Things have changed my friend. My haters are in the background and I am not caring what they say. I am changing my life for ME and ONLY me! Those days that I am feeling down and out, it’s my positive friends whom I listen to. I need not “ask” for them to pick me up. I need not tell them I am down. I just stop and listen and they are always sending me positive energy.  So…”who am I to inspire anyone?” I’m just a regular Joe who wants to also see others reach their goals and will do what I can to support my friends with words and actions.

On the way back from Florida, we stopped in North Carolina for the evening. I met some very incredible people. I met these folks using Visalus as a connection. Had I not had that initial connection, I’d have most likely not met these folks. It doesn’t mean that Visalus will be our ongoing connection; the centre of our relationship with one another. It just means that’s how we met. Another benefit to my Vi-life. I love meeting people and connecting and learning from people with different experiences and perspectives. It seems I am meeting others who are also positive people.

It’s been one eye opening month and I am looking forward to getting back to my work outs with Caity (starting this evening). 17 days left of this 90 Day Challenge. I can’t wait to see what the outcome is. I will not be taking a break and will jump right in to my next 90 Day Challenge with new goals right away.

I promise that future blogs won’t be as “preachy”. Deal?

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