Saturday 24 March 2012

Day 74 - FABULOUS Friday! FAVOURITE Friday! FANTASTIC Friday!

I am pumped about writing this blog today. Last week, I was on vacation and while I did exercise, I didn’t have a “workout”. I’ve been itching to get out there and “bring it”. Today, I “brought it”…and it felt FABULOUS!

Today’s Visalus Shakes were: Hot Cocoa and Orange Juice (two separate ones, not mixed together).

“The” Workout:

5 Minute Walking Warm Up

100 Meters of traveling squats with a jump after each one (approx. 40)
100 Metres of traveling lunges (approx. 40) – (both of these exercises were ones that I have done many times, but wow I sure felt them right away. I also have way better balance, my steps are larger and I get lower to the ground.)

20 Sumo Squats – (legs in a wide stance and squat…this hurt my feet. I find when I stand in certain positions with all my weight on my feet, they hurt still)
20 dead lifts per leg – (WOW did I ever feel these in my bum! Again, these hurt my feet after 16)

30 modified tricep push ups – (tricep pushups standing against a tree – these were in perfect form and done with ease up to 22 of them. The last 8 were difficult.)
15 modified push ups – (these amazed me, I’d only done 10 previously and after 6 they were tough. This time it didn’t get tough until I hit 10)

5 Wind Sprints – (this was a new exercise for me. I ran a short distance, touched the ground, ran back, touched the ground, ran double the distance, touched the ground, and ran back to the beginning and touched the ground. “Sprint” is not quite what I did…more of a jog. My legs felt very heavy the first set, but it was easier after that…and…and…my feet did NOT hurt – nor did my shins.)

25 modified tricep push ups – (I didn’t make it to 30 this time which tells me that I should keep the 1st set lower. To be able to do the same amount the next time.)
25 modified push ups

30 standing oblique crunches
20 standing centre crunches

5 walkouts – (This was new for me, Stand with feet together, bend over and touch the ground, walk out on hands until I am in plank (push up) position and then walk using hands back and push up to standing position. These felt AMAZING but were difficult. Afterwards, Caity told me this was an advanced move. I felt AWESOME!)

16 leg drops – (Lying on my back with my legs straight up and while keeping them straight, drop them slightly and use my lower ab muscles to pull my legs back up. LOVED these!)
25 situps (These I generally would call crunches – not the old style sit ups from when I was a kid and we’d lie on our back, have someone hold our feet and we’d sit right up. These were where you lie on your back and just bring your shoulder blades off the ground. For the first time EVER…EVER…my shoulder blades came off the ground!)

Plank for 1 minute and 10 seconds
30 second side plank each side


5 minute walking cool down

-       My balance is much better and the depth of my lunges and squats are much deeper
-       The push ups were much quicker and more controlled and I was able to do so many more
-       “Wind Sprints” …my shins didn’t hurt and this is something I initially didn’t think I’d get through as easily as I did
-       The walkouts blew my mind. I used to have a heard enough time getting up from the ground…to push up from a plank position and NOT fall on my face?? Mind blowing!
-       The leg drops were controlled and I could really feel the abs working. This was the first time I’ve ever done this exercise where my legs we controlled movements
-       The situps. WOW. I am still in shock. My shoulder blades came off the ground! They have never, ever done that before!! Not in these crunch style sit ups. I was almost crying with joy. Almost.

A few personal things I noticed:
-       OK…so this is a little “embarrassing” to tell the world; especially when I have no clue who is reading this. But, I think it is important to mention some of the physical things I am noticing and this is one of them. I had to wipe something off the back of my pants the other day and when I did I hesitated as I notice “Whaaa??? My bum is rounder!” I had to rub my bum again to feel it. It IS…it is getting SHAPE to it. Not just this big long thing I sit on. It is less “long” as it is starting to round on me!!!!
-       When I shower and am washing my legs, I notice a new, nice shape to my lower leg and calf. Now…I must say, when I look in the mirror, they look smaller somewhat, but I still have cankles and they are still large. But I truly see a difference.
-       While driving today I glanced down and noticed that my thigh was not as wide.
-       At home I noticed that I have oomf when I go up the stairs. Not just plodding up them, there is a bit of a bounce to my step.
-       I actually kept up with a very energetic 5 year old last week! That hit me today. I don’t recall the last time I had that much energy to keep up with a kid all day long and not feel drained.

After my workout today, I felt the most incredible I have ever felt after a workout. My accomplishments made me feel on top of the world and just the stress release alone was more than worth the hour of my efforts! I didn’t notice this right away, but on the drive home it hit me….I didn’t care about any of the people walking by the park or out on their back decks. In fact, as I was sweating and catching my breath after some of the exercises, I would smile and nod at a passer-by. This is a huge difference. To not care of what people think of my out of shape big butt doing exercises. I honestly didn’t even care. I am so proud of myself for committing to getting into shape that their thoughts do not matter at all. Ha! In fact, wait til they look out and see me again in a few weeks and the improvements I am making. Hmmm….maybe I should have a billboard to advertise my Visalus.

Tomorrow I have a lot on my plate, but will be working out with one of my favourite people. We made plans to get together and I suggested that one of the things we do is hit the gym. I can’t wait.


  1. Hi Sheila. I've been following your blog and facebook updates for a while. I am posting this as annonymous as I am embarrassed to admit I was one of your haters (even though you know who I am, I don't want the world to.) I wanted to see you fail. I now know this is because I didn't want to see you succeed as I sat here eating junk and watching tv. But your progress inspired me. And your honesty about how hard it is sometimes also made me feel like you are like me. There are struggle and you acknowledge that.
    I joined the Challenge finally one week ago under your website. (Thanks for welcoming me and being so friendly even though I have not been.)
    I joined because you lost weight last year without exercising, so I joined to be lazy and lose weight in an easy way.
    Two weeks later and I have so much energy that I also exercise now!
    I lost 8 pounds and my 4 year old and 1 year old love my new energy and that I play with them more.
    Thanks so much for being real and sharing your success.
    Keep up the good work!

  2. I promise to keep you anonymous and thank you for your kind words. More importantly, I am so happy you are making the commitment to yourself. I will encourage you and motivate you in anyway I can. We will keep in touch and let me know if you have any questions. You too can do this! Congrats on the weight loss and keep up the good work!!!
