Thursday 1 March 2012

Day 52 - I thought I was...but I wasn't...but now I am

My life has changed a lot in this past year and it is still changing. While many changes have been a conscious decision, some have been on their own accord…or following suit perhaps. During these changes I have been paying closer attention to myself, my feelings and my actions. Sometimes I am surprised at my new discoveries.

Last night was an incredible workout and journey…so was tonight. Last night, I pushed harder than ever before. Today was when it became so clear. I “thought” I was really pushing myself with my workouts, but I was not. Oh sure, I was not being lazy. But I was also only giving 85-90% and really…what’s the point of that? So, starting last night, I give my workouts my ALL.

Today’s Shakes were both Hot Cocoa with peppermint extract.

Today’s Workout:

Warm up 

4 sets of 45 seconds running/1 minute walking
(By now you can guess what I am about to say. Yep – my shins were hurting to the point that I had to stop. I even focussed on my form to make sure I was neither too far forward nor leaning back while I was running. It is definitely muscular pain.)
Walk for 27 minutes

30 weighted cross body punches with 3 lb. weights
6 medicine ball throws with 8 lb. ball

16 supermans (On hands and knees on a mat and you stretch out one arm and the opposite leg and alternate. When I started with Caity, we tried these and had to skip them because I literally had no balance whatsoever. All the core training has helped my balance and form!)
10 Cobras (Lying on my stomach, hands behind my head and using my back muscles I pull my chest off the floor. Basically a reverse crunch. We tried these the same day as the superman when I started and I could not lift my chest off the ground. My, how things have changed.)

20 standing crunches
20 standing oblique crunches
(Both of those crunches were hugely improved. In the beginning of training my feet would slam back on the ground. Now, I can control the movements and slowly raise and lower my legs.)

10 push ups on knees
10 standing push ups
20 standing tricep push ups
(Oh yeah!! These were tough. I was really feeling the workout from last night with these.)

1 minute plank from knees (Last time was one minute from a push up position – on toes – not this time….my body was exhausted from the night before and little sleep. I still held it with great form, but my body was shaking.)


What I recognized today:
-      It’s a much better workout when you are there…in the game…giving it your all.
-      I am beaming from noticing my milestones!! (Caity really helps with those – I completely forgot that I could not do the superman and cobra until she mentioned it.)
-     I am no longer upset when I can’t do something (i.e. run, due to pain in the shins) because there are so many other ways to target the same muscles.
-     While my original goal was to train for a half marathon in October, I am ok if it turns out I am not destined to be a runner. It does not mean I failed, it means my focus is changing. Tough Mudder piques my interest more anyway.

Another awesome workout today! Time for me to hit the sack. I wanted to be in bed before midnight – I have a few minutes to get there. Thanks again for popping by. Feel free to start/continue sharing your thoughts and suggestions with me.

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