Thursday 1 March 2012

Day 51 - My Favourite Blog...(and an unofficial weigh in)

You may have read yesterday that I felt suddenly ill last night and did not do my workout. I felt a lot better later in the evening and was well today. However, I was not at all in the mood to workout. I texted Caity to let her know that I was not in the mood but I was coming anyway. More or less to give her a heads up that I needed to be pushed. After I texted her, I realized that I really did want to workout but I was not in the mood to get wet and cold. It was rainy and a little chilly, but I was not up for it. So I texted her back and told her this.

When I arrived at Caity’s, I was pumped! I was happy we were not going outside. I generally prefer outside and look forward to it even in the rain. I was curious how tonight’s workout was going to go since we had not done an indoor session. IT WAS THE BEST WORKOUT I HAVE EVER HAD!!! I am so proud of myself and beaming!!

Today’s Shakes were both Hot Cocoa without the peppermint extract this time.

Today’s Workout:

Warm up 

16 squats – 17lbs
(I have not done these in years and I believe the most I ever did was 10 lbs)
16 dead lifts – 10lbs

10 – 5lbs shoulder raises
10 – 10lbs shoulder presses
10 – 17lbs bicep curl with bar
10 – 5lbs tricep kickbacks

19 travel lunges (I could not believe this! You should have seen me – perfect form, great balance, deep lunges. SO PROUD!)
25 travel squats (Perfect everything with these. I really pushed hard to pump out the last 4 and kept them as strong as the first!!)

20 pushups (After 10 I stopped for a brief moment to readjust and hammered out the last 10. It was tough, very tough, but I was determined and I did it!! My form was perfect!)

10 (each side) punch knee combos (WOW! Even these amazed me. I was not just flopping around and uncoordinated…had you walked past me I’d have knocked you out.)
12 (each leg) forward kicks (We never did these before. I was gooooooooooooooood. Pushed them out like I was a pro.)
12 (each side) knee crunches

12 medicine ball throws – 8lbs
20 standing oblique crunches


What I recognized today:
-       I am able to really see how far I’ve come and the major improvements.
-       It’s true what Caity has said…my mind will give up before my muscles will. I took that knowledge and rocked it out tonight.
-       I acknowledged my progress and was able to pat myself on the back and am super proud of myself. Before I’d be proud-ish, but in the back of my head would think of how much further I need to go instead of how far I have come.
-       Today was my first full body workout and I am hooked!
Today at work my pants kept falling down (not off); I had to keep pulling them up. So after my workout I went up the street to the YMCA and had a shower and soak in the hot tub and then weighed myself. I don’t like to do that outside of the doctor’s office because I like to stick to the same scale. The YMCA has the same style scale. While I still consider the doctor’s office to be my official weight and I want to double check, I will tell you that the scale at the YMCA indicated that I am down 16.5 lbs since I started 51 days ago!

Yes…I am so very proud of myself!!

So I do have one question for you. Yes, this is some advertising.
Bathing suit season is approximately 90 days away…why don’t you start transforming your body now too? 30 day money back guarantee…what have you got to lose other than weight?

Check it out:

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