Wednesday 29 February 2012

Day 50 - Not What I Planned

Day 50 did not go as planned. Work was not bad…extremely busy, the way I like it. Had my two shakes at work, came home to change for my workout and BAM! Sick as a dog, I felt fine and then it hit me like a ton of bricks.  It’s now 2:00 in the morning and I feel fine again. I did notice that I was not feeling the best after my egg salad sandwich. Maybe that was it(?)

Today’s Shakes were:
- Hot Cocoa with peppermint extract (my new favourite!)
- My recent favourite - the “orange creamsicle” (Orange juice and Visalus Shake)

We are expecting a lot of freezing rain and snow for Wednesday. Perhaps I will get to run in the snow finally. I need to step it up because I planned that I would be doing the Toronto Tough Mudder in August of 2013; however, today I said I would do Tough Mudder next year with someone in his home town and didn’t stop to think that theirs is in March. Whoops. Time to step up the workouts.

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