Thursday 16 February 2012

Days 34-38...playing catch up

Days 34-38. WOW. I missed a few days I guess, huh?
Really there was not much to write. I’ve been very preoccupied with some personal situations where I have needed to focus my attention on others. I haven’t had much to blog about.
While focusing on these other concerns, I DID ensure that I at least got out for a moderate walk each day. I have not met with my trainer this week for reasons outside of our control and now I know for certain, without someone to work out with, I am bored in seconds. I am doing my moderate walks, which is much better than nothing at all, but I feel I need to do more.  We are going to be working out again on Tuesday. I think that even if my tailbone is still in pain, I will push through it. I miss the harder workout I was doing at the beginning of this Challenge.
I have been sticking to 2 shakes per day consistently. I am proud to say that.
The Shakes over the last few days have been (some were repeated):
Visalus Shake mixed with hot cocoa and peppermint extract.
Visalus Shake mixed with cranberry juice/water mix and strawberries.
Visalus Shake mixed with orange juice.
Visalus Shake mixed with pineapple/coconut juice.
Visalus Shake mixed with instant coffee.
I started to do my two shakes at work as my colleague is also doing that.  As a social event, we make the shakes together.  It’s nice company and keeps us focused. She was off the last two days.  My poor shake was lonely in the blender.
Tonight I am going to meet my husband for dinner out and then walk it off around the block.
This weekend is a long weekend and I will be heading home. I think I will try running on my own. If I end up not doing that, I will plug in my iPod and pick up to a brisk walk.

Looking sooooooooooooooo forward to Tuesday and pushing myself hard with the exercise regime.
Oh…also, I have not weighed myself in a couple of weeks as I have not been at the doctor - maybe this weekend.  I cannot wait to see the results. I had to purchase a pair of red and white PJs for a fundraising event on the weekend and it was ONE SIZE SMALLER! Yahoo!!

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