Tuesday 28 February 2012

Days 46 - 49 Move Aside Haters!

Days 46 – 49 were full of activities and situations that required my full attention. I did not update during these days as I was extremely busy and also not exercising.
I only had a few shakes those days and did not fully stick to my healthier ways of eating. I didn’t go overboard, but I did miss a few meals which is also not healthy.
Last night I was reflecting on some things and it really became clear to me. I have been using my haters as my moti-hators (motivators).  Knowing that there are people who want to see me fail has been helping keep me on track. However, I have a lot more supporters. I am always getting emails and comments from people who are happy to see my results and provide me with positive compliments. Yesterday, I received a few words from someone I recently started to connect with. We weren’t even talking about Visalus, weight loss, nor exercising at the time. Then out of the blue he was telling me things like “don’t get discouraged” and “remember how far you’ve come” and “it’s more about the getting up when you get knocked down than the fight itself.”  He is right!
It threw me off and then I recalled all the other emails and comments and it became very clear. While it is good to ensure that my haters don’t bring me down, they do NOT deserve to be the ones that motivate me. I have a lot of support that I never thought was out there and I will continue to do what I am doing and encourage and motivate others where I can and do it all with my head held high and a smile on my face.
Today is Day 50. The big 5-0…the day that I will start to push myself hard during my work out for more positive reasons. 
Thanks everyone!

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