Wednesday 22 February 2012

Days 39-43 I'm baaaaaaack!!

This past weekend was a long weekend. I needed the break and was glad to be off. There have been a lot of events in my personal life that have needed special attention and energy. I finally decided to unplug from my personal Facebook account and my Whatsapp and KiK apps on my phone and focus on these events as well as myself.

I have been itching to get back in to my workout regime rather than just the running/walking that I’ve been doing since my tail bone injury. Although this past weekend was exceptionally painful, I decided to dive back into working out again on Day 43…AND I LOVED IT!

The last few days’ Shakes have been:
- Pina Colada
- Hot Cocoa
- Coconut juice
- Orange Juice
- Peach Flavour mix in

Day 43 Workout:

5 minute walking warm up 

8 intervals of 30 second run/1 minute walk
(It felt good to run. I was running a little more fluently and not trying to protect my tailbone as much. My shins started to feel like they were beginning to be irritated by the 5th interval, but they never did end up hurting. The last interval was up a steep hill…or mount killer as I call it in my head…once I was done the 30 seconds, Caity told me to look back. WHOA! I had run ¼ of the way up the hill. It felt like I ran 3 steps…in slow motion at that!)
5 minute cool down 
The following were all done twice (2 sets of each exercise):
12 shoulder press with 5 pounds of free weights
12 bicep curls with 5 pounds of free weights
12 tricep kickbacks with calf raises with 3 pounds of free weights
12 standing rows with 5 pounds of free weights
12 shoulder raises with 5 pounds of free weights
12 standing wide grip rows with 5 pounds of free weights
12 dead lifts with 5 pounds of free weights
12 flies with 3 pounds of free weights
12 medicine ball throws
20 standing oblique twists

Stretch!!! (It felt good to STRETCH! I have not been able to stretch a lot of my muscles properly for the last little while.)

What I recognized today:
- I catch my breath a lot sooner after my running intervals – it is not quite taking the full minute
- My shins weren’t hurting, so I assume they were lately with the way I was running with small baby steps because of my tail bone
- I am strong minded, determined and MOTIVATED!
- I LOVE working out!! I love the accomplishments and I love the way it makes me feel
- When I started this Challenge, my shirt was too small and kept creeping up (it was the only Dri Fit shirt they had that was close to my size) – Caity and I both noticed yesterday that it was NOT creeping up!!

I do have a confession.  I ate a bag of chips today after weighing out the pros and cons. I totally gave in to my mood craving. I’ve been very stressed lately with all that’s going on and I can honestly say I didn’t feel bad after I had them. However, I am glad I worked out….just in case the chips wanted to linger on my hips.

Looking so forward to Day 44’s workout! I am not sore (except that blessed tail bone) and am energized!

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