Thursday 2 February 2012

Day 25 - Setting Higher Goals

Today was an all-around great day! I got to work from home, which was so comfortable. I miss the conversations around me, but at least I was comfortable!! Got to lie on my side the entire day and give my tail bone a huge rest.

This morning I had my Visalus shake with fresh apple juice. I have no idea how to rate this one. I will try it again. It was one of those “I think this is gross, let me try again” things and next thing I knew, it was gone.

Today’s workout was another improvement.

5 minute walking warm up (I noticed my shins were hurting, but figured I just needed to warm up and loosen up. Then we went into the run and within 5 seconds I had to stop. The pain was relatively significant and because I can’t properly stretch after, we decided to do the speed walking.)

13 intervals of 2 minute speed walking/1 minute walking (I was a lot more tired today and it had to push the whole time. I did not sleep well, or long, last night and this was likely the reason.)

The stretches were not nearly enough as they were still too painful to do.

What I noticed this workout:
-          My breathing is a LOT better. I don’t puff and pant as much as when I started all of this
-          I am able to talk more while I walk and keep a pace where it is difficult to talk, but not impossible
-          I push myself and challenge myself harder every day
-          I really don’t care at all who is watching my fat body jiggle and shake as I exercise – I used to be aware of people around and get self-conscious. Now, I haven’t a care in the world about that.  I am on a mission!

I have not had my Visalus shake for the evening yet…not sure what it’ll be.

Since mentioning Tough Mudder last night, that’s all I thought of as I was speed walking. Once my tail bone is healed, we are going to start training for next year’s event. I am realistic that I won’t be ready this year, but next year…bring it on!!

If you haven’t checked it out yet, here is the link:

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