Monday 5 March 2012

Days 53-55 Hectic Weekend But Great (weigh in) Results!

I am finding that my weekends are just so packed these days that I don’t really keep up on my blog. Generally, I have been running around like crazy taking care of people and things and I don’t make the time to workout. That’s going to change, however. As well, I will be bumping my workouts with Caity to four times per week soon.

My Visalus shakes this weekend were all mixed with Orange Juice.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh…I came across a “new” recipe I cannot wait to try – Turtle Cheesecake. Who says you can’t have “cheesecake” and lose weight?

This time, I remembered to weigh in at the doctor’s office. But before I tell you the weight loss results, I will tell you about my shins. When I started running, my shins were not hurting. It has just been since my tailbone fracture that I have had issues with shin pains (coincidently). My doctor went over form with me and I have great form when I run, so that’s not it. I have good shoes, so that’s not it. He is suggesting that I do not run on grades until my body is fully used to running. He also suggested that I try grades after losing 20 more pounds. He recognized that people my size and bigger can certainly run, but he is suggesting this so I don’t injure myself early on and get deterred from keeping it up. Fair enough.

So….my weigh in….
Remember that I gave my unofficial weigh in the other day? I said I didn’t like to use other scales and wanted to keep to the same one each time. I said that because sometimes the “other” scale will show a greater weight loss than what it actually is. Not this time! I am down 21 pounds!!!!

My new year’s resolution was that if I do not lose 30 pounds before my birthday in March I will dress in a pumpkin costume and go shopping at Walmart and post the video to YouTube. When I set that goal, it was with the intent that I would have started my 90 Day Challenge with a matter of timing that my birthday was at the end of the 90 Days. Not ¾ of the way through. But I am a woman of my word, and if I don’t lose the 9 pounds in the next two weeks, I will be posting the video. Eep.

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