Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Day 50 - Not What I Planned

Day 50 did not go as planned. Work was not bad…extremely busy, the way I like it. Had my two shakes at work, came home to change for my workout and BAM! Sick as a dog, I felt fine and then it hit me like a ton of bricks.  It’s now 2:00 in the morning and I feel fine again. I did notice that I was not feeling the best after my egg salad sandwich. Maybe that was it(?)

Today’s Shakes were:
- Hot Cocoa with peppermint extract (my new favourite!)
- My recent favourite - the “orange creamsicle” (Orange juice and Visalus Shake)

We are expecting a lot of freezing rain and snow for Wednesday. Perhaps I will get to run in the snow finally. I need to step it up because I planned that I would be doing the Toronto Tough Mudder in August of 2013; however, today I said I would do Tough Mudder next year with someone in his home town and didn’t stop to think that theirs is in March. Whoops. Time to step up the workouts.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Days 46 - 49 Move Aside Haters!

Days 46 – 49 were full of activities and situations that required my full attention. I did not update during these days as I was extremely busy and also not exercising.
I only had a few shakes those days and did not fully stick to my healthier ways of eating. I didn’t go overboard, but I did miss a few meals which is also not healthy.
Last night I was reflecting on some things and it really became clear to me. I have been using my haters as my moti-hators (motivators).  Knowing that there are people who want to see me fail has been helping keep me on track. However, I have a lot more supporters. I am always getting emails and comments from people who are happy to see my results and provide me with positive compliments. Yesterday, I received a few words from someone I recently started to connect with. We weren’t even talking about Visalus, weight loss, nor exercising at the time. Then out of the blue he was telling me things like “don’t get discouraged” and “remember how far you’ve come” and “it’s more about the getting up when you get knocked down than the fight itself.”  He is right!
It threw me off and then I recalled all the other emails and comments and it became very clear. While it is good to ensure that my haters don’t bring me down, they do NOT deserve to be the ones that motivate me. I have a lot of support that I never thought was out there and I will continue to do what I am doing and encourage and motivate others where I can and do it all with my head held high and a smile on my face.
Today is Day 50. The big 5-0…the day that I will start to push myself hard during my work out for more positive reasons. 
Thanks everyone!

Friday, 24 February 2012

Day 45 - Half Way Mark and Measurement

Day 45 was a tough and extremely long day. I did not get home and into bed until 2am, so my apologies for not having this updated until today (Day 46).

Half way mark!!!!! WOOHOO!! 45 Days left on this Challenge!

Today’s Shakes were:
- Hot Cocoa with peppermint extract
- My fav, the “orange creamsicle” (Orange juice and Visalus Shake)

Today’s Workout:

5 minute walking warm up 

5 intervals of 30 seconds run and 1 minute walk
(My shins were KILLING me! I pushed through intervals 3 and 4, but couldn’t get past 5. We started the run on a hill today. WHOA! Brutal!! I didn’t quite have my breath completely caught up before interval 2.)
28 minute moderate walk (On account of my shins hurting.)
5 minute cool down 

10 pushups (x2)
12 standing tricep pushups on the wall (x2)
12 medicine ball throws - 8 lb (x2)

20 medicine ball passes with Caity
20 weighted punches

1 minute plank
30 second side plank (each side)


What I recognized today:
-  I still get so frustrated when I am out of breath – it’s as if I expect I will miraculously never be out of breath one day…even when Caity is sometimes winded, I still expect I should not be
-  Today was another workout where I constantly pushed
- While exercising is a wonderful distraction and a great stress reliever, I am starting to think that stress is also making me really struggle to keep up
- I looked forward to working out the entire day!
-  We took my pictures today to compare to the beginning. It’s funny; everyone I showed them to sees a big difference. I do not. Once I “dissect” the pictures piece by piece I do see it, but then I go back and don’t see it again; however, I KNOW there is a difference because………

Hips = -1.5 inches
Waist = -3.5 inches
Chest = -1 inch
(I know that is generally all people track, but I am tracking more…)
Leg = -1.5 inches
Calf = -1 inch
Arm = -1 inch

I have not decided yet if I will post my Start and Mid-way pictures now, or if I will post my Start. Mid-way and End pictures at the 90 day mark.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Day 44 - My workout seemed like work today

It’s official…I am addicted to working out! I love it; I look forward to it; I miss it when I don’t do it; I long for it. I really feel like my day is incomplete when I don’t work out. Honestly and truly never thought I’d be saying that…ever!

Today’s Shakes were:
- Hot Cocoa with peppermint extract
- Cranberry Juice (I have decided I am not a fan of real cranberry juice at all…I prefer the sugar ridden cranberry cocktails, so I will just give up on these shakes when my juice is gone.)

Today’s Workout:

5 minute walking warm up 

9 intervals of 2 minutes fast paced and 1 minute moderate paced walk
(One of those intervals was the full 2 minutes of fast paced walking up mount killer junior! Caity made me look back to see the hill I powered through…one word….SWEET!!)
5 minute cool down 
The following were all done twice (2 sets of each exercise):
20 squats
10 (each leg) stationary lunges
12 over head 8lb medicine ball throws
20 standing oblique twists with 8lb medicine ball
Plank from knees on elbows held for 1 minute (I actually requested to do a plank – it had been a while and I felt the urge. This was the only exercise not repeated today.)

Stretches (I can totally grab my foot with ease and balance on one leg now for my quad stretches…how cool is that?)

What I recognized today:
-  I really push myself hard. I will give up only if my body collapses…or if Caity tells me too….
-  My feet have not hurt for a while now
-  My shins did not hurt at all
-  Today was a workout where I constantly pushed. I just really felt like my body was making me work today…as if it was tired, but I was wide awake!
-  As I read this workout, part of me thought “that’s it?? That’s all?? THAT was a work out??” But when I see where I started and where I am now…I’m pleased and proud of myself. I am nowhere near where I want to be, but I am further than I was yesterday!!
-  I am still unable to sit on a chair and it still hurts to get up once I have been “lounging” but now that I started working out again, I’d rather push through the pain than sit out

I am looking forward to tomorrow’s workout already! I also think I will do measurements again. My clothes are looser!

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Days 39-43 I'm baaaaaaack!!

This past weekend was a long weekend. I needed the break and was glad to be off. There have been a lot of events in my personal life that have needed special attention and energy. I finally decided to unplug from my personal Facebook account and my Whatsapp and KiK apps on my phone and focus on these events as well as myself.

I have been itching to get back in to my workout regime rather than just the running/walking that I’ve been doing since my tail bone injury. Although this past weekend was exceptionally painful, I decided to dive back into working out again on Day 43…AND I LOVED IT!

The last few days’ Shakes have been:
- Pina Colada
- Hot Cocoa
- Coconut juice
- Orange Juice
- Peach Flavour mix in

Day 43 Workout:

5 minute walking warm up 

8 intervals of 30 second run/1 minute walk
(It felt good to run. I was running a little more fluently and not trying to protect my tailbone as much. My shins started to feel like they were beginning to be irritated by the 5th interval, but they never did end up hurting. The last interval was up a steep hill…or mount killer as I call it in my head…once I was done the 30 seconds, Caity told me to look back. WHOA! I had run ¼ of the way up the hill. It felt like I ran 3 steps…in slow motion at that!)
5 minute cool down 
The following were all done twice (2 sets of each exercise):
12 shoulder press with 5 pounds of free weights
12 bicep curls with 5 pounds of free weights
12 tricep kickbacks with calf raises with 3 pounds of free weights
12 standing rows with 5 pounds of free weights
12 shoulder raises with 5 pounds of free weights
12 standing wide grip rows with 5 pounds of free weights
12 dead lifts with 5 pounds of free weights
12 flies with 3 pounds of free weights
12 medicine ball throws
20 standing oblique twists

Stretch!!! (It felt good to STRETCH! I have not been able to stretch a lot of my muscles properly for the last little while.)

What I recognized today:
- I catch my breath a lot sooner after my running intervals – it is not quite taking the full minute
- My shins weren’t hurting, so I assume they were lately with the way I was running with small baby steps because of my tail bone
- I am strong minded, determined and MOTIVATED!
- I LOVE working out!! I love the accomplishments and I love the way it makes me feel
- When I started this Challenge, my shirt was too small and kept creeping up (it was the only Dri Fit shirt they had that was close to my size) – Caity and I both noticed yesterday that it was NOT creeping up!!

I do have a confession.  I ate a bag of chips today after weighing out the pros and cons. I totally gave in to my mood craving. I’ve been very stressed lately with all that’s going on and I can honestly say I didn’t feel bad after I had them. However, I am glad I worked out….just in case the chips wanted to linger on my hips.

Looking so forward to Day 44’s workout! I am not sore (except that blessed tail bone) and am energized!

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Days 34-38...playing catch up

Days 34-38. WOW. I missed a few days I guess, huh?
Really there was not much to write. I’ve been very preoccupied with some personal situations where I have needed to focus my attention on others. I haven’t had much to blog about.
While focusing on these other concerns, I DID ensure that I at least got out for a moderate walk each day. I have not met with my trainer this week for reasons outside of our control and now I know for certain, without someone to work out with, I am bored in seconds. I am doing my moderate walks, which is much better than nothing at all, but I feel I need to do more.  We are going to be working out again on Tuesday. I think that even if my tailbone is still in pain, I will push through it. I miss the harder workout I was doing at the beginning of this Challenge.
I have been sticking to 2 shakes per day consistently. I am proud to say that.
The Shakes over the last few days have been (some were repeated):
Visalus Shake mixed with hot cocoa and peppermint extract.
Visalus Shake mixed with cranberry juice/water mix and strawberries.
Visalus Shake mixed with orange juice.
Visalus Shake mixed with pineapple/coconut juice.
Visalus Shake mixed with instant coffee.
I started to do my two shakes at work as my colleague is also doing that.  As a social event, we make the shakes together.  It’s nice company and keeps us focused. She was off the last two days.  My poor shake was lonely in the blender.
Tonight I am going to meet my husband for dinner out and then walk it off around the block.
This weekend is a long weekend and I will be heading home. I think I will try running on my own. If I end up not doing that, I will plug in my iPod and pick up to a brisk walk.

Looking sooooooooooooooo forward to Tuesday and pushing myself hard with the exercise regime.
Oh…also, I have not weighed myself in a couple of weeks as I have not been at the doctor - maybe this weekend.  I cannot wait to see the results. I had to purchase a pair of red and white PJs for a fundraising event on the weekend and it was ONE SIZE SMALLER! Yahoo!!

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Day 33 - Shortest Blog Ever

Today’s blog is probably the shortest ever.

Breakfast Shake: Visalus shake mixed cocoa and peppermint extract.
Dinner Shake: Visalus shake mixed with pineapple and coconut extract.

I took the night off from exercising. It was a yucky weather evening and a very long and painful ride home. I’m sleepy, so my blog is too. G’night everyone.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Day 32 - Time For Review

A bit of a reality check today…while I was in a bad mood over some petty things and miserable that I had to endure more excruciating pain in the office, it hit me. I have to sit down and review all my options. I am too happy-go-lucky to be angry and miserable. I can’t change people, but I can change my environment and my own reactions. On a positive note, I took that negative energy and pounded it into the pavement tonight.

Breakfast Shake: Visalus shake mixed with hot cocoa and peppermint extract.
Lunch Shake: Visalus shake mixed with real cranberry juice and fresh strawberries. WHOA!!! Note to self…real cranberry juice is so tart! Next time, mix it with half water. Yowza! That curled my hair!

Today’s workout:

5 minute walking warm up.

10 intervals of 2 minutes speed walking/1 minute walking (My shins didn’t start to hurt til the last interval.)

3 hill repeats (That’s where I finally make it up a hill and Caity decides it’d be fun to make me go back down the hill and turn and walk up it again…and again!)

The stretches were not nearly enough as they were still too painful to do.

Things I noticed:
-          My feet don’t hurt like they did when I started all this…did the weight loss so far help, or are my shoes just more worked in?
-          Caity points out accomplishments that I don’t notice…and it feels awesome!! Did you know I can now powerwalk up a steep hill without gasping for air and wishing death? I didn’t notice, until Caity pointed it out
-          My walking is a lot faster and when it is time to “slow” walk, sometimes Caity tells me to slow it a bit more
-          No puffers the last few work outs…it has been +1 and above though too…last time I needed them it was -9
-          When having to work in the office, my tail bone hurts the entire day – including my work out and when trying to sleep at night

I am totally looking forward to my tail bone healing because I miss all the lunges and core exercises. I need to get training for Tough Mudder 2013!

I found it easy to stick to the two shakes today. I do believe I have myself back on track nutritionally. Of course, seeing all of these positive results really help!

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Day 31 - Sneak Preview

I was debating on whether or not to mention my tail bone and what my day was like. Then I thought “of course I should...” You see, it used to be that when I was angry or experiencing pain I would not exercise and I’d eat crap. Not today, however! Even though I am so angry and upset about having to go to the office because I truly suffer with the physical pain of my tail bone throughout the day, I didn’t let it stop me from my run tonight nor did I let it guide me to mood food cravings.

Breakfast Shake: Visalus shake mixed with hot cocoa and peppermint extract.
Dinner Shake: My favourite! Visalus shake and orange juice. I am out of orange juice now, so no more of that the next couple of days.

Today’s workout:

5 minute walking warm up.

8 intervals of 30 seconds running/1 minute walking (I noticed my shins were starting to ache again.)

1 interval of 2 minutes speed walking/1 minute slower walking (My shins were killing me at this point. The rest of the workout was a moderate paced walk. I think the shins started to act up in the last week or so because I am walking funny due to the tail bone pains.)

The stretches were not nearly enough as they were still too painful to do.

I found it easy to stick to the two shakes today. I was also pumped about getting to work out. Tonight, my tail bone is so very sore. It does not help that I cannot get comfortable at work and am in pain the entire day. I am heading off to bed now and hoping to get some sleep tonight.

Before I hit the sack, here is the sneak preview…I took my measurements today!!

In the last 31 days, I have lost:
.5 inches from my Chest
3.5 inches from my Waist
1 inch from my hips

Although these are not generally measured, I am also tracking the following:
1 inch off my thigh
0 off my calf
1 inch off my upper arm

I don’t have my official weigh in, but a sneak peek on the bathroom scale tells me I cannot wait to weigh in this weekend!!!!

Day 30 - Another Short Blog, But Back On Track

Today I worked from home. Not that I really planned it, I just could not handle the commute. It was great though in that I was able to lie comfortably on the couch  while working for one more day.

Breakfast Shake: Visalus shake mixed with orange juice. Can you tell that’s my favourite by far?
Lunch Shake: Visalus shake with Chocolate Mix In

It was tough having two shakes today. I really didn’t feel like having anything at all. But it’s already Day 30….1/3 of the way through my 90 Day Challenge and I need to make a conscious effort to stay on track and focussed. I’ve seen great results that I am proud of, now I want to step it up a notch!

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Day 29 - Adhoc Vacation Day and Forgotten Weigh In

As much as I hated to do it, today was a vacation day. I had to go check with my doctor as my pain was getting worse and not better. He checked me out and said there’s still nothing they can do, but he told me not to sit for at least a week and to keep with the exercises.

Easier said than done. I have at least an hour and a half commute to work tomorrow and then what do I do in the office? I guess I can still lie on those chairs pushed together. The great news is that I can exercise and I love my workouts!

The doctor did give me new pain medication and I used them today. Made it a lot more bearable, but I won’t be able to use them while working.

Only one shake: Visalus shake mixed with orange juice.

Tomorrow WILL be better. I am giving myself an attitude check and decided all this whining isn’t going to help. Two shakes a day, the Vi-Pak and exercising! That’s what I am going to focus on!

No weigh in today. I completely forgot.

Monday, 6 February 2012

Day 28 - Super Bowl Sunday

Day 28 was Super Bowl Sunday. I was going to go to our favourite pub and watch the game, but my tail bone has been hurting all weekend just as much as it did when I first fell, or more than it did. Sigh. I was not able to get comfy even lying on my side, so I went to bed after half time. I haven’t slept in a couple days due to the pain, so this update is just a cranky one.
I am updating this bright and early on Monday morning, as I wasn’t in any shape to on Sunday. No exercises were done…too much pain. Only one shake: Visalus shake mixed with orange juice.

Since it is now Monday, I already know that I am taking today as a vacation day and going to see my doctor. There has to be a shot or something that he can give me!! Also, I can do my official weigh in.

I don’t like that. I don’t like taking vacation time without notice, especially when it is attached to a weekend. However, it is what it is and I need to take care of me. Right? (OK…someone convince me, because I am struggling with this.)

I hate sounding so negative. Even worse, I hate FEELING so negative. It’s not really me. I guess two weeks of pain makes me cranky and negative. I always had such a high pain tolerance. Either it’s old age setting in and making me wimpy or I am in a lot of pain. Hmmm…must be the latter.

On a bright note, it’s now Monday…a new day!

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Day 27 - Pampered Princess? More like Princess and the Pea

This morning I had my Visalus shake with a peach mix in.

Today I planned on a relaxing spa day. That didn’t happen quite as planned. I didn’t realize that I can only lay comfortably on my side. I thought on my back would be ok. I usually have my pedicure lying down and not in one of those chair/bench things. I managed to still get my pedicure, but we took a lot of breaks and I had to get up and stretch and move around a lot. My toes look good though.

The rest of my day, my tailbone was so very sore. It actually feels as sore as when it was first injured. I decided to try some exercise to see if it helped.

30 minute moderate paced walk.

I did not have a second shake this evening. My tailbone has really been sore and I just tried to focus on getting comfy.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Day 26 - My "day off" goes awry

Today was to be my day off working out in order to give my shins a rest. It ended up being a day off everything, except work.
I’d love to tell you that I am prefect and had two shakes today and well balanced snacks and a meal, but I did not. The point of my blog is to be truthful and show that I am just a regular Joe and not perfect and also to use this as my own personal diary so I can look back and remind myself of my accomplishments.
Today, I did not eat until 9:00pm. Not a thing. I never left my room except for bathroom breaks. No shakes, no snacks, nothing. A few sips of water and that was all. I worked from home today and was totally wrapped up in what I was doing and just never stopped. At 5:00pm I called my husband to see if he wanted to head out my way and meet me for sushi. So that’s what I had…sushi…that’s it.
Yesterday and today were blissful in that I was so comfortable working from home. My tail bone got a rest. I was mistaken in thinking that it was “better”. When we went for sushi, I looked a fool leaning to the side on the bench. But who cares, I got my sushi!! The drive home was brutal. I can’t wait for this tail bone to heal.
Tomorrow is a new day (actually, it is Saturday already). I will begin the day with a delicious shake and be more aware of eating properly.
Good night!

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Day 25 - Setting Higher Goals

Today was an all-around great day! I got to work from home, which was so comfortable. I miss the conversations around me, but at least I was comfortable!! Got to lie on my side the entire day and give my tail bone a huge rest.

This morning I had my Visalus shake with fresh apple juice. I have no idea how to rate this one. I will try it again. It was one of those “I think this is gross, let me try again” things and next thing I knew, it was gone.

Today’s workout was another improvement.

5 minute walking warm up (I noticed my shins were hurting, but figured I just needed to warm up and loosen up. Then we went into the run and within 5 seconds I had to stop. The pain was relatively significant and because I can’t properly stretch after, we decided to do the speed walking.)

13 intervals of 2 minute speed walking/1 minute walking (I was a lot more tired today and it had to push the whole time. I did not sleep well, or long, last night and this was likely the reason.)

The stretches were not nearly enough as they were still too painful to do.

What I noticed this workout:
-          My breathing is a LOT better. I don’t puff and pant as much as when I started all of this
-          I am able to talk more while I walk and keep a pace where it is difficult to talk, but not impossible
-          I push myself and challenge myself harder every day
-          I really don’t care at all who is watching my fat body jiggle and shake as I exercise – I used to be aware of people around and get self-conscious. Now, I haven’t a care in the world about that.  I am on a mission!

I have not had my Visalus shake for the evening yet…not sure what it’ll be.

Since mentioning Tough Mudder last night, that’s all I thought of as I was speed walking. Once my tail bone is healed, we are going to start training for next year’s event. I am realistic that I won’t be ready this year, but next year…bring it on!!

If you haven’t checked it out yet, here is the link:

Day 24 - A new milestone

I was not in any more pain this morning, so it was wonderful to know that the running last night didn’t do damage. I was so relieved because I really wanted to do more tonight!

Work was quite painful. I just can’t get comfortable at all. I actually needed to walk away because the pain was unbearable. I was approved to work from home the rest of the week!! I am so relieved and happy!! I will be working in the comfort of lying down!

This morning I had my Visalus shake with fresh blackberries and frozen cherries. It was NOT good. I did not enjoy it at all. It was, oddly, kind of flavourless. I could only drink ¾ of it. It was so not enjoyable.

Today’s workout was another improvement. I am really pushing myself and motivated to do more! Caity is so awesome and encouraging. I think if I decided not to push myself, she’d fight me and win.

5 minute walking warm up  (I wanted to run, but forgot that when training, you never run two days in a row.)

14 intervals of 2 minute speed walking/1 minute walking (I’ve never done 2 minute intervals before!! For a pokey walker, this was quite an improvement and somewhat challenging.)

The stretches were not nearly enough, but they were still too painful to do. I think once my tail bone heals I will go for a massage and also have the therapist do some serious stretches for me.

What I noticed this workout:
-          My tailbone didn’t hurt as much as it did when I was walking last night
-          This truly IS mind over matter as I want to give up in my head well before my body starts to tire
-          I am starting to really understand those people I used to shake my head at whom said “I love working out. Once you get into it, you’ll love it and be addicted.”
-          I cannot wait to see what I will accomplish each day. I am blown away at how far I’ve come in such a short time
-          I walk a lot more loosely and fluidly than before (is that a word?)

This evening I had my Visalus shake with a Starbucks skinny café mocha. Not sure that was a really healthy choice, but I know it was much healthier than NOT having one and grabbing the Whopper I was slightly craving.

Since being approved for working at home, I found my food cravings were dramatically reduced.  Yep…like I thought…mood food cravings.

I have a new goal…a long term goal. I want to start training very soon to be fit enough for Tough Mudder next year. If you have not heard of Tough Mudder, Google it. I have a role model that I have looked up to since I was a young teenager. He will be participating in Tough Mudder this year. I don’t know if he will be next year, but I’d be so proud of myself and feel so honoured if I were physically capable of  being on his team next year. Even if he doesn’t participate, I’d feel a real sense of accomplishment if I were able to do something that physically challenging. Of course, the kid in me just wants to do everything he can physically do!

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Day 23 - Food Issues and RUNNING...wha...???

I woke up with a wicked craving today! It was BLT day in the cafeteria and that’s all I was thinking about as I was getting ready for work and on the drive in. I tried my usual thought process of “it’s not worth it, look at all the positive changes you’ve made” which usually works. The stubborn side of me was saying “go for it, what’s one bad thing?” I could taste the crispy bacon and the mayo. I was close to salivating. But even though my stubbornness was strong, I compromised with myself, which is actually a win-win no matter how it turns out. I told myself that I would have a shake for breakfast at 8:00 and then by 10:00 if I still wanted one, I’d go downstairs for the BLT. I thought I was clever knowing I’d be getting hungry by 10:00 and I’d get to have my BLT. Much to my own surprise, when 10:00 hit I no longer wanted the BLT. It would just make me feel blah anyway and knowing I could make healthier choices it would annoy me if I ate a BLT. What for? There are healthier and tastier things to choose from.

This morning I had my Visalus shake with instant coffee.

Today was another excruciatingly painful day at work. (If you don’t read my blog often, you probably don’t know that I fractured my tail bone a week ago Monday.) It makes me bitter that I am working in such pain at the office when I’d be way more comfortable and therefore more productive lying in bed and working from home. I mention that because I think the bitterness leads to my mood food cravings.

I was not going to work out because I have been in so much pain. I certainly don’t want to further injure myself and prolong this pain. However, after speaking with both a doctor and a chiropractor I was advised to go ahead and do whatever I can tolerate – including running!! WOOHOO! ONLY if I could tolerate it. They said that the movement would be good for all the muscles that are being seized up while I am trying to get comfortable at work.

Today’s workout was extremely encouraging and uplifting.

5 minute walking warm up  (I was eager to run from the start because I’ve been so dormant lately, but I was concerned too because I am in pain all the time and was afraid to run and make it worse.)

7 intervals of 30 seconds running/1 minute walking (You sure did read that right!! It felt BETTER to run. Oh sure, it still hurt, but it was less painful than walking, standing and sitting. We took a break and started to do some speed walking intervals because my breathing was getting funny and I started to panic slightly thinking it was going to be asthma. It never was. Today was +7 Celsius and the asthma was not an issue.)
1 interval of 30 seconds Speed walking/1 minute walking
1 interval of 30 seconds running/1 minute walking
1 interval of 30 seconds Speed walking/1 minute walking
1 interval of 30 seconds running/1 minute walking
1 interval of 30 seconds Speed walking/1 minute walking
1 interval of 30 seconds running/1 minute walking
3 intervals of 30 seconds Speed walking/1 minute walking

To sum that all up…10 total intervals of running and 4 total intervals of speed walking!!!!!!!

Cool down really hurt. It was much more pleasant to run.

It was difficult to find stretches that didn’t hurt. I know I did not stretch all the muscles that I should have, but it was just too painful.

This evening I had my Visalus shake with cranberry juice and strawberries.

I noticed after my shower that while I was still in a lot of pain, I was not in MORE pain. I really hope this won't make it worse for me tomorrow because I plan on doing cardio again in the evening. I started thinking about work and trying to sit at my desk and I started getting frustrated again. Lo and behold, I thought of waffle with fruit day. I am now convinced the “cravings” are mood food cravings as I suspected. I know that will be a struggle in the morning. I love waffles and fruit. However, their waffles are not a healthier type. So I will be arguing with myself again in the morning.

Then I thought of Whopper Wednesday at Burger King. Yeesh. I hope I’m in less pain tomorrow and therefore less bitter about being in the office in agony and in turn less likely to crave junk. I always win by having a Visalus shake and then feeling satisfied, but it can be a bit of a power struggle with myself. Bottom line…IT’S NOT WORTH IT!!!