Monday, 30 January 2012

Day 22 - Getting Back On Track

Owy! Today was a painful day. It took a few hours to get to work as I had to stop often to stretch and move. Once at work I pushed some chairs together and lounged across them in order to work in a comfortable position. I’ll be so happy when this tailbone heals. Sadly, I had to cancel my workout for the evening. I can honestly say that the pain has not eased since yesterday.

Despite the pain, I made a commitment to myself that I’d get back on track with two shakes per day.

This morning I had a Visalus shake with Trop 50 Orange Juice and it was delicious!!!

As I was about to leave work I noticed we were having a bit of a snow storm. I needed a warm cozy pick me up, so I had a peppermint hot cocoa shake and drank it on the way home.

I know it’s only 9:30pm, but my old bones, namely the tailbone, are hurting. I’m off to bed!

$$ Food For Thought $$

More than half of all employed North Americans buy their lunch instead of bringing it from home.

Cost of buying lunch:
Approximately $37 per week multiplied by 52 weeks in the year = $1924 per year on lunches.

Cost of Visalus Shakes for lunch:
Approximately $2 per day for a Vi-Shape Shake multiplied by 5 weekdays = $10 per week.  Multiply that by 52 weeks in the year = $520 per year on lunches.
$1404 per year!!!!

Consider this:
If you refer 3 customers with the same Visalus Kit value or higher, your Kit will be free!!!
Therefore, approximately $2 per day for a Vi-Shape Shake multiplied by 5 weekdays = $10 per week.  Multiply that by 4 weeks in the initial month = $40 per year on lunches. $aving$ of $1884 per year!!

(I’m guessing that the Visalus lunch is probably much healthier than what people are buying too!)

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Day 21 - Not Sitting Pretty...nor at all. (and a weigh in)

I jinxed myself.  Last night we went out and within 5 minutes of sitting in the car I was in excruciating pain.  I was in pain for several hours afterwards. This tailbone had better heal soon!

Today will be another very lazy day.  I’m going to make some food for my lunches this week and get some groceries for my snacks and head back to Kitchener early in the evening. If I am not in pain from the drive there, I will go for a brisk walk. I really feel like I want to get some exercising in.

Today I had a Visalus shake with peach mix in.

I am updating this at 1:00am.  I never made it back to Kitchener. I was enjoying my day with my husband too much and wound up getting the groceries and cooking quite late. Also, my back was in too much pain in the car. Honestly, I am dreading the drive back to work tomorrow morning.

I weighed in today. I am down 2 more pounds! That’s 12 pounds in three weeks. Keep in mind as well that this week I fractured my tailbone and have NOT been exercising. Nor have I been consistent with two shakes per day which is the ideal Kit for me.

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Day 20 - Sitting Pretty...Sorta

Well, I can sit now for approximately 5 minutes.  Last night I sat for 30 minutes because it was relatively comfortable, but when I wanted to get up, that was a challenge. Once I was up, I was in a lot of pain. HOWEVER, the great news is that I was able to sit a little.  Might make returning to the office tolerable.

Today was a very lazy day.  I have the doctor’s OK to return to exercise (as long as I can handle it) tomorrow. I can’t wait!!! I really do miss it.

I’ve said it before and I will say it again. I have some haters (don’t kid yourself, we all do) that want to see me fail. I really want to thank them.  They keep me on my toes and make me the success that I am. My supporters are great people who make me smile and warm my heart. Between the haters and the supporters, this WILL be my year!

Today I had a Visalus shake with peach mix in.

While the one shake per day for the last week was continuing to give me weight loss, it is not the ideal kit for me. I will return to the Transformation Kit tomorrow and add the Vi-Pak

Friday, 27 January 2012

A Special Note - You're Welcome

Here’s the deal, plain and simple. I just found out from a doctor that he and some colleagues have started prescribing Visalus for patients who suffer with (but not limited to): Obesity, Diabetes, Some Heart Conditions and Crohn’s Disease.
Visalus does NOT claim to cure these Diseases/Symptoms. However, there are many testimonials that Visalus shakes help! Some Insurance companies are now covering the cost of Visalus kits.

EVERYONE has a 30 Day money back guarantee; EVERYONE can get their Kit for free every month; SOME people have their kits covered by their Insurance.
Why the hesitation? Why the delay? Why are you putting your life on hold?

Days 17, 18, 19 - STARTING to feel a little better

I am updating this on Day 19.  Days 17 & 18 are kind of a blur.  My tailbone really took a beating on the stairs the other day and I’ve been nursing myself the last few days.

I am so very happy that I was allowed to work from home for the last three days.  That was extremely helpful as I am still unable to sit and have been laying across the couch while working. At least I did not have to take this week as vacation time! I am starting to feel better in that I am able to find some comfortable positions.

What I missed the most all week was working out.  I never thought in a million years that those words would sincerely be coming from me.  But it is true.  I really miss it!

I do not recall what shakes I’ve had, but they’ve all been with mix in packets and I’ve only done one per day. I find that while working from home I do not think to stop and eat. I’ll be looking forward to working around people again so I stop to grab something when they do.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Day 16 - An Honest Post Including My Feelings

I am updating this at noon in case I don’t get a chance to update it later, at least there will be something here.
WOW! The doctor was right, sadly. I am in excruciating pain. My 1.5 hour commute today took over 3 hours as I had to get out of the car and stretch every so often. I am in horrific pain at work, but refuse to take any more of my vacation time for this. That just makes me angry.
I am so angry and bitter today over the pain, the fact that I’d need to cash in vacation time to be off, the fact that I cannot find a comfortable position AND the fact that I can’t exercise this week. I almost got McDonald’s for lunch because I was so miserable.  But then I thought of how awful that food makes me feel and also how I have already lost 10 pounds and certainly don’t want to gain it back on something so pitiful, so instead I continued to work and had a shake. I think I am more satisfied over the shake anyway and it sure doesn’t make me feel gross.
I had a Visalus shake blended with fresh strawberries and kiwi.
I really hope I can find a comfortable position. This is torturous!

Day 15 - My Bum Is Cracked

Many times on Sunday I don’t look forward to going back to Kitchener – I only get two nights with my husband.  This weekend, I only had one night because I was too sick to come home Friday night.  This Sunday was no different and I decided to stay another night.
Monday morning I was up bright and early and in plenty of time to leave for the commute in. And then I discovered we have 12 stairs in the upstairs hallway. I know this because my tailbone cracked itself on 6 of those stairs on the way down!
I did nothing all day Monday except try to get comfortable and also go to the doctor.  Much to my disappointment, I was told NOT to exercise this week. I don’t know what makes me more miserable, that or the pain!
Monday morning I had a Visalus shake a packet of the chocolate mix in.
I really hope the doctor is wrong. He is telling me that tomorrow will be an even more painful day.

Days 13 & 14 - Weekends and Weigh In

My fever broke at approximately 4am on Saturday. The rest of the day was wonderful. I was visiting people and relaxing. Then on Sunday I was sick again. WOW. What a roller coaster. I had a horrible cough and was quite tired.
Over the weekend, I didn’t have all four shakes:
Saturday afternoon I had a Visalus shake with Trop 50 Orange Juice. Sunday morning I had a Visalus Shake with a packet of the chocolate mix in.
I weighed myself Sunday. I am down another 3 pounds! That’s a total of 10 in two weeks!

Friday, 20 January 2012

Day 12 - Just One Shake and The Shakes

After having a horrible night (freezing on the inside, burning up on the outside), my fever finally broke at 6am. Only to spike again at 3pm. Needless to say, no workout today.
I’m not even heading home tonight…need to rest up. However, that’s probably a good thing so my husband doesn’t catch what I have.
This evening I had a Visalus shake with Trop 50 Orange Juice.
Let’s hope that tomorrow this fever is gone. I’m burning up again. Yeesh!

Day 11 - Woe Is Me

Well, I didn’t get “back at it” after work.  I developed a dry cough through the day.  By the time I got home it was much worse and I took some Nyquil and went to bed. 

In the morning I had an iced coffee Visalus shake.

I spiked a fever in the evening and was burning hot to the touch, but shivering and unable to stay warm. Needless to say (but saying it anyway) I took another night off from working out.
I also did not have an evening Shake.
This week (so far) I only got one workout in. Let’s see what Friday – Sunday brings.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Day 10 - Not so sissy....

I am updating Day 10 on Day 11...sorry for the tardiness.

OK, OK…I spoke too soon on the dislocated rib being sissy stuff.  Last night (Day 10) I had to take the night off. Rest my rib, etc. etc.  It was really nice in that I went home and spent the evening with my husband. Tonight, after work, I will be back at it.

In the morning I had a Pina Colada Visalus shake again.  Again it was yummy!
In the afternoon I had a coffee Shake.

I enjoyed the evening off. At first I was disappointed that my plans fell through, but I think a break here and there is perfectly acceptable.  My rib hurts again today (Day 11), but not enough to keep me down and out. I’ll be back at it tonight!

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Day 9 - Dislocated Rib? Sissy stuff!

Yeah, that title is correct. I dislocated a rib today. But that was not going to stop me. Two ribs and I am done. One? Pfffft. Piece of cake. I was in a lot of discomfort all day, but I will get it fixed tomorrow. Not a good enough reason to miss my workout. (In all honesty, I experience this a few times a year. If it were my first time, I’d probably take the night off and be nursing myself.)

This morning I had a Pina Colada Visalus shake. VERY YUMMY!

Today’s workout was the first work out with my new inhaler.

5 minute walking warm up 
(It was wet and I was looking forward to the rain, but it already stopped by this time.)
6 intervals of 30 second run/1 minute walk (the last interval was 40 seconds run).
(30…THIRTY…THREE OH…THREE ZERO! That’s 10 seconds more each interval than Friday. I had an asthma attack after the 4th run, but I must say, this inhaler helped me recover a lot quicker. Caity was going to have me run for 8 intervals today, but cut it short due to the asthma and my rib. We took it inside after the run.)
25 travel squats (FIVE more than Friday!!! So proud of myself.  My balance and form were perfect!)
25 walking lunges (My balance during these blew my mind. The core strengthening exercises I’ve been doing have really been working!)
12 leg dead lifts (These were really good. They sure burn!)
20 Explosions (Pushed through at 18…last time I was pushing at 16 AND…AND I was actually jumping – in the air – feet off the ground. All the other times I was barely getting off the ground.  I never even noticed that until today.)
30 seconds running on the spot with my knees high (I was really pushing through all of this. I was so proud. I’ve never been able to do this with my knees coming up high each time.)
20 Jumping Jacks (Done with ease.  Coordination was excellent compared to Day 1.)12 Push Ups (Love these still – was doing them a fair bit faster.)
12 Tricep Push Ups (Was struggling through those for the last 3. Before I’d struggle for the last 6.)
Repeated the above 2X each.  (Except for the running with the knees up. My breathing was getting a little shallow again.)
24 Standing Oblique Crunches
Modified Leg drops (we had to modify the abs today on account of my rib injury)

20 second plank on toes and hands
Side planks with Leg Lifts / 20 seconds per side
Repeated the above 2X

I was definitely driven and determined today. I pushed hard. Still very frustrated with the asthma though.

What I recognized today:
-      The asthma is definitely an outdoor issue. I am somewhat determined, but mostly stubborn, to have a good run outside without my inhaler.  Or at least to continue running outdoors. I really prefer the outdoors.
-       I am able to see and feel the difference in my body physically with each workout
-       My balance really surprises me. Still have a lot of work in order to do the dead lifts with no support, but what a tremendous improvement each day
-       Thoroughly enjoy running! If it weren’t for the stupid asthma, we would have kept going for sure!
-       I don’t get as frustrated when we make modifications on the fly.  Now I realize that it is what it is. If I can’t do something due to asthma or injury and we modify it, it just means that I am doing something else to target the same muscles. It doesn’t mean that I am giving up.

Although I still cannot see myself running a 5K, let alone 1K, I do see myself being able to run for 1 minute solid.  Might not sound like too much, but it is double what I am doing now.  Besides, from couch to running in just 9 days? I’d say that’s pretty good! 

This evening I had a Visalus shake with fresh strawberries.

Day 8 - A Day Off to Rest Up

This morning I had my Visalus shake with fresh strawberries, kiwi and frozen cherries. It was delicious!

My desk and fridge at work look like a grocery store. At my desk I have my Visalus Shake Mix, instant coffee, cocoa, flavour mix ins, pineapple slices, peppermint extract, coconut extract, multigrain the fridge I have fresh strawberries and kiwi, Tropicana 50 juices, frozen cherries and some goat cheese. Everything I need to give myself variety each day.

I had my second Visalus shake with some peach juice.

Last night I decided to stay home one more evening and commute in today. I did not get to sleep until well after 1am and was awake by 5am to get ready for work and beat rush hour traffic. Today I was very tired all day. I took today off from working out and will meet with Caity Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week. 

After work, I laid on the bed to relax and fell asleep until midnight exactly. (Which is why I am so late updating my blog.) Guess I am getting too old to stay up so late on a "work night". At least I will be well rested for tomorrow and raring to go!!

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Day 7 - End of a Great Weekend!

This morning I had my Visalus shake with instant coffee. I've been thinking that maybe I should get more creative, but when it tastes sooooooooo good, why stray from it?

After the shake I headed to my doctor and got a new inhaler.  I can't wait to get back to running tomorrow.  Hopefully I will NOT have an asthma attack, but in case I do, I really hope this inhaler does the trick. On an awesome note, I've lost 7 pounds in 7 days!!!!!

For lunch I had my Visalus shake with a Chocolate Mix In packet.

This evening I took a stroll around my complex while listening to my tunes and losing myself in thoughts.  Two of those thoughts are:
1) All of my hard work and dedication is truly paying off!
2) I know I have some haters out there.  I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not.

This is MY year, but I will share! It can be YOUR year too!!

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Day 6 - Relaxed Day

This morning I had my Visalus shake with instant coffee.

Today was a nice relaxing day. I was out last night late supporting one of my favourite people in a singing competition and woke up early this morning. After my errands I came home and had my Visalus shake with a Chocolate Mix In packet.

After lunch I took a nap and then spent some time in the house with my husband.  That's all I've done. Told ya - nice, relaxing day.

I did forget to mention yesterday that I was feeling so much better! When I started getting sick on Wednesday, I was nervous. I took Friday off because normally by the third day I am pretty much knocked out cold. However, this time I was feeling so much better by the end of the second day.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Day 5 - Oh What A Mixed Feeling Day

Day 5, oh Day 5, you were an interesting one, weren’t you?

This morning, I did not have a shake, I had it for lunch.
This afternoon I had my Visalus shake with 4 fresh strawberries.

Originally, the plan was going to be to run as long as I can so we can use it as a base. Instead, Caity decided that we should do the 20 second run / 1 minute walk routine to monitor my asthma since it was -6.5 and snowing. She’s a smart one.  My asthma was really bad today. We had to head inside for the last half of the work out.

Today’s workout was extremely frustrating and also quite rewarding.

5 minute walking warm up  (It was quite slippery today and cold, but I was ready to run.)
8 intervals of 20 second run/1 minute walk (This was so very frustrating.  I had two asthma attacks during these intervals.  I took the puffs and pushed on, but it was so frustrating. It wasn’t until later in the day that I realized I increased the intervals by 3 since Monday. That’s pretty sweet!)

20 travel squats (Blown away by my balance during these. My core is already strengthening! Had to push through after 16, last time I was pushing at 14.)
20 walking lunges (My balance was incredible.  I did these with ease. Until yet another asthma attack.  I completed them, but my breathing was brutal.)
12 leg dead lifts (These were really good.  Still hurt my feet.)

20 Explosions (On Day 1 I did 10 of these and felt like I was dying after 6. Today I did 20!!!!!! Pushed through at 16.)
30 seconds of Step Ups (It was one minute last time, but this time I was having asthma issues.)
20 Jumping Jacks (Done with ease.  Coordination was excellent compared to Day 1.)12 Push Ups (Love these!!)
12 Tricep Push Ups (Again, I like those. Was struggling through those for the last 6.)
Repeated the above 2X each.  (Except for the step ups, instead we changed it to scissor kicks for 1 minute.)

12 per side boxing/crunch combo (Still really enjoy these!)
24 Standing Oblique Crunches (LOVED IT!!)
20 Second standard crunch (see above)
1 minute plank (Monday was only 45 seconds!)

I told Caity half way through that I was ready to give up. I was so angry that I could not run today like I wanted to on account of my asthma. At the same time, I wanted to finish to prove I am strong. Caity was extremely encouraging and I completed the workout with modifications when needed.

What I recognized today:
-     I was able to catch the asthma attacks right away, unlike the first time I had one
-     This is truly about mind over matter.  I wanted to give up because I was disappointed. But keeping focussed and plugging along I got a great workout and a true sense of accomplishment
-     My balance has come a very long way in just 4 days.  It’s almost like night and day!
-     I bet I could have easily done 10 running intervals if it was not for the asthma
-     I will go to the doctor to ensure my inhaler is correct for me – one dose should have been sufficient

It is unbelievable how much I have improved in four short days.  It really makes me want to push on and see what else I am capable of. 

I did not have a second shake today.  Instead I had dinner out with someone I have not seen in ages. That’s ok, I’ll go back to having two per day tomorrow.

Oh…and that surprise I mentioned yesterday did come together for me. I got a tattoo. I never thought I’d ever have a tattoo. A small cancer ribbon on my left wrist coloured in peach. I absolutely love it. It’s just my way of saying “I beat you, cancer, and I will continue to fight!”

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Day 4 - Getting Better...ALREADY??

Last night I didn’t get to sleep until sometime after 0100. Ok….technically this morning. My throat was hurting and I was stuffed up and couldn’t breathe. Awwwwwwww. I still woke up before my alarm at 0615.  However, I laid there feeling sorry for myself until my husband called at 0640. I don’t do sore throats well.  I get really sucky.

I felt better after my shower and headed to the drugstore for some Kleenex with lotion.  I knew it was going to be a constant nose blowing day.  Misplaced the keys to the car. Misplaced my jacket. Head was foggy. I figured it was going to be a horrible day.  But it was not, thankfully.

I had my morning Shake at work mixed hot cocoa and peppermint extract. It was so good! It comforted me and helped me breath. I had the same shake last night, but don't recall how tasty it was. I was too busy whining to myself.

Throughout the day I was not drowsy and although I didn’t feel the greatest, I noticed that I was feeling significantly better than the morning. Best of all, my throat was no longer sore!!! Yay me! I sounded pretty bad and my nose was still stuffy, but I didn’t have a foggy head nor was I tired. Feeling even better this evening and still not drowsy.

Usually when I get sick, I get SICK.  It lasts a long time and I get it worse than those around me. I am actually feeling like I am already coming out of it.  Is it from the Shakes (the nutrition); is my body healthier from the exercising and therefore kicking this cold quickly, or is it just a coincidence? I won’t know and I can’t speculate.  I can just say I am happy that this didn’t kick my butt and knock me out.

Tonight, I will take the day off from exercising.  My body feels like doing some form of exercise, but I do have some things to catch up on and some sample packs to prepare and mail out, so I will take the night off.  I am meeting Caity tomorrow morning for another hardcore workout.  From what I was told, she is going to have me run as long as I can and use that as a base for future. I’m excited to see how long that is and how long it takes to recover. I am even more excited to see how long it takes to improve! I’ll let you know tomorrow how that all unfolds.

That shake this morning was so good and so comforting I am going to have it again tonight.  Hot cocoa mixed with the Visalus shake mix and some mint extract. (This was also my colleague’s favourite recipe so far.)

I am really interested to see if I have a surprise for you tomorrow.  Some of you know already what that surprise is and some of you have no clue.  It’ll happen, I just am wondering if it will be tomorrow…

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Day 3 - Getting Sick But Pushing On

Today I woke up at 0445 and was in the state where I could have woken up and started the day or go right back to sleep.  I chose sleep.  I fully expected to have to be woken up but to my surprise, I was up AGAIN before my alarm at 0555. (My alarm is set for 0630.) That’s two days in a row.  (Here’s a secret for you – I sleep through my alarm every day and have my husband phone me every morning to wake me up.  I sometimes fall asleep on him when he calls even. So waking BEFORE my alarm??? Twice???)

I was wide awake all day at work...even though I am sick. Yes, I welcome your pity.  I can feel it starting in my throat and nose.  Probably because during the asthma attacks yesterday I was sucking in so much cold air.  Maybe. I’m not a doctor.

I had the Shake mixed with one packet of Chocolate Mix In and one packet of Banana Mix In this morning. It wasn’t bad.  I prefer a half banana to the Mix In though. Now I know.

I was later than anticipated and not able to meet with Caity for our workout tonight. (My fault.) However, I am off Friday and instead of heading home Thursday night, I will stay in town and meet up with her in the morning! I partially made that arrangement to prove I was not trying to get out of the workout (much to my surprise, I really look forward to them) and partially because I am longing for it.  I still can’t believe that part.

I think the main difference as to why I love working out is because we are outdoors.  I NEVER get outdoors. Not since I no longer have a dog. I thoroughly enjoy it. I am not a gym person.  They intimidate me and make me feel a little dreary. I don’t mind fitness classes, but I don’t care for machines.

I was thinking maybe I’d take tonight off.  My body feels like “moving” but my brain is saying “NAH....take a day off!” Then my little pea sized brain remembered something I want to share.  Today was an amazing day for many reasons I won’t get into. Among these reasons, I received an email today from someone I truly did not expect an email from.  Turns out that they read my blog. Not only were they very supportive, they told me something that blew my mind.  They told me that “I” motivated “them”!! Mind blowing to me.  Someone in better shape than me is telling ME that after reading my blog THEY went for a workout.  If I were a better writer, I could describe the sense of pride I felt. It made my day and in turn motivated me.  No, I will NOT throw in the towel and take a day off tonight. I will go to the gym and swim some laps. I don’t think I should be in the night air with this cold coming on. But I WILL be exercising tonight! I’ll never mention names on here unless I ask permission first (like Caity), or someone asks me to mention them. But I know when they see this, they will know they motivated me too.

So no breakdown of how I felt tonight with my workout. It’s just laps. I am a strong swimmer and push myself well. Tomorrow we’ll talk about the Thursday workout.  I am not scheduled with Caity tomorrow, so maybe I will take a class at the gym.  Not my preference, but it is better than leaving it in my hands. I might cheat and not work myself as hard. I truly am a lazy person and stubborn at times. I know, I know: surprising!

If those others whom I spoke with today are reading this too, I enjoyed our awesome chat and because of it, I am PUMPED.

Because I am not feeling the greatest, I will have a hot drink tonight.  When I get home I will have a hot cocoa mixed with the Visalus shake mix and some mint extract.
Then this sicky is going to bed in a nice cozy, warm cocoon.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Day 2 - Asthma AND Balance?

Today I woke up and packed my gym clothes and organized a sample kit for someone who is interested in learning more about the Challenge and then got ready for work.  The reason I mention that is because it is unusual for me to wake before my alarm clock or phone call from my husband.  I awoke energized.

By the time I got to work though, I was getting sleepy AND hungry.  I’ve been doing my morning Shakes at work with a friend of mine.  Keeps us both on track and helps me think of creative ways to make new shakes.

I had the Shake mixed with Tropicana 50 Pomegranate and Blueberry juice again this morning.  Glad nobody stole my juice from the communal fridge!  Within 2 hours, I no longer felt tired.

Not much else to was work, etc. Oh, but I did change at work and then noticed my gym bag smelled from when I had my clothes in it the night before. YUCK! Apparently these sweat sucking body armour style clothes, while keeping you dry, make the clothes STINK!  I will one day coordinate the clothes better.  Tonight I was wearing black pants, New Balance shoes, bright purple New Balance hat, grey Livestrong Nike jacket and a blue Walking Room shirt. What can I say? They were all on sale and keeping dry is key in this cold.

My workout today saw some challenges and amazingly incredible accomplishments. I am so proud and impressed at the improvements already!!!!

Here is the breakdown:
5 minute walking warm up  (Feeling pretty good...ready to run...but found out when learning to run you don’t run two days in a row...ahhhhh)
25 intervals of 1 minute fast and 1 minute moderate walking intervals (This was interesting tonight.  I was feeling the workout.  I’m a REALLY pokey walker, so walking fast is a work out for me. I was hating my puffing and panting. I always hate it because it clearly shows how out of shape I am. However, what I failed to realize was that I was having an asthma attack.  I was almost to the top of a hill when I realized, I’m not puffing like usual, I am gasping for air and not getting any and it hurts to breath.  Took my inhaler and was good to go.  Had another attack near the end.  This could be due to the cold air.)
5 minute cool down (I like cool downs. I am quite happy at my pokey pace.)

12 Oblique Weighted Throws (5 pounds) (I like these. Definitely easier to do on my left side. Not too coordinated on the right side.)
20 Medicine Ball Throws (8 pounds) (LOVE these.  Never thought I’d say that so much about exercising.)
Repeated the above 2X (Was a little short of breath and had to push through on the last few of each, but will say again, I love working the abs!)

20 Second Plank on hands!!! (This is the push up position on hands and toes. Perfect form and held for 20 seconds!!!!!!!!!!! I almost cried!!! Last time we did this, I could not do it at all – I fell. We switched to on elbows and I STILL could not hold myself up for more than 6 seconds!!!!!!!)
20 Second Side Plank on knee with leg raised/side (Not bad, I was always pretty good with these.  On the right side I started to push at 18 seconds, on the left I had a few more seconds in me that I could give.)
10 Jumping Runner Lunges (That looks like when a runner is about to start a race but you jump and switch starting legs...10 a row...then die!!!! I do NOT like those.  That was something I pushed myself through the entire time. UGH!)10 Touch Toe Sit Ups (Lie on your back with your feet up and lift your shoulders off the ground to crunch up and touch your toes....when Caity does them.  When Sheila does them – look like a poor turtle on its back and come 6-8 inches away from your toes and your shoulder don’t come off the ground.  AKA...pathetic sight! That needs work!!!)
10 Touch Toe Oblique’s (See above...poor turtle. I didn’t know turtles grunted!!)
Balance work  (Similar to field sobriety test.  I always wonder what I’d do if an officer gave me one of those.  I don’t drink alcohol, yet if ever stopped, I couldn’t lift my leg without falling.  Heck, I fall sometimes when standing still on TWO legs!  Seriously though, I did fairly well.  My body did jiggle. I was not still and my arms were doing a waving flapping motion.  But it was much better than last time I did them!)

Stretches (As mentioned yesterday, I love stretching.  Another HUGE accomplishment for me – I did my quad stretches without holding on to anything nor Caity.  My balance is improving and I am amazed!! Truly an accomplishment!)

What I noticed:
-          I puff and pant like a beast still and now recognize when it is an asthma attack
-          Was not yawning often today
-          I ate 2 hours before seeing Caity and was not light headed nor did I feel like I had food sloshing (I thought I would feel that way, so I didn’t eat before seeing her yesterday)
-         I push myself a LOT more than I ever have physically. I am determined and proud of myself!
-        No foot pain today.  Seems to only be during squats, lunges and pushups
-     I have low back pain when doing the turtle on the back ab crunches. I think it is due to my weight as I don’t have the pain in other positions

Now I am just finished my Shake mixed with Almond milk and the Chocolate flavoured Mix In and heading to bed for an early night!
Thanks for stopping by.  Good night!

Monday, 9 January 2012

Day 1 - Feeling The Burn!

So here it is.  My first blog and my first day of the 90 Day Challenge.  Thanks for stopping by and having a read :)

There were a few reasons I decided to start this blog:
- so I can look back and reflect on what I have accomplished
- to show others who are not in the best of shape that they too can do this
- to prove to those who do not believe in me or in Visalus that they are incorrect :)
- so those who do believe in me can follow along with my progress

I have committed that I will lose 30 pounds by March 19th or I will dress as a pumpkin and go shopping at Walmart and post a video of it on YouTube.  My short term goal is to lose 30 pounds.  My longer term goal is to run a half marathon in October.

So...let's get to Day One shall we?

This morning I started the day with mixing my Visalus shake with Tropicana 50 Pomegranate Blueberry Juice.
My dinner time shake was a Visalus shake mixed with a half of a banana and Almond Milk.

My workout today felt AMAZING...(sort of)... It felt great at some parts during and definitely after.  But some parts of it were horrific feeling at times!

Here is the breakdown:
5 minute walking warm up  (Feeling pretty good...ready to run.)
5 intervals of 20 second run/1 minute walk (First 4 intervals were really good. It felt tremendous to run and didn't quite take the full minute to recover. I suggested we increase to 30 seconds of running.  That was UNTIL the last interval was no longer running on a decline.  That last interval really showed me how running is NOT easy.  It took the full minute...and then recover with my breathing.)

20 travel squats (I don't mind squats, I kind of like them. However, by 14, I was ready to quit.  My legs were on fire and I was running out of steam.  I pushed through and Caity was very encouraging.  I made it....barely!)
20 walking lunges (Oi!! Someone desperately needs to work on balance! Lunges aren't "bad", I have great form. However, by 12, I was ready to give up.  My legs again were burning and I was running out of steam.  Again I pushed through, grunting all the way.)
12 leg dead lifts (I like these.  Piece of cake, but don't tell Caity that. The balls of my feet really hurt. Even with these expensive new shoes.  I need to determine if it's the shoes or my weight causing the pain.)

10 Explosions (Squat and touch the ground and then spring up as you jump.  It was fun...for 6 of them.  Wow...not as easy as they look.  It takes a LOT of energy to get THIS body off the ground in a jump.  I was puffing and panting after that.)
1 minute of Step Ups (Not too coordination has a lot to be desired. The last 10 seconds I just wanted to lay down on the ground.  But I have goals and dreams and laying around won't get me there!)
20 Jumping Jacks (What??? who would have thought you need coordination for those?? those were ok, we all know how to do those.  Not sure what happened after 16, but I was kind of just hopping all over the place.)12 Push Ups (I like those...a LOT. I have good form. Caity is great at reminding me to keep my core tight.  Really had to push through the last 4.  Again, the balls of my feet hurt.)
12 Tricep Push Ups (Again, I like those.  My triceps need WORK.  Was struggling through those for the last 6.)
Repeated the above 2X each.  (Struggling at the same spots both times.)

12 Seated Leg Extensions (I didn't like those. I think I disliked most how my fat felt.  Also, the last 5 were getting difficult.)
12 per side boxing/crunch combo (LOVED IT!!! really feel it in the abs when I crunch.)
24 Standing Oblique Crunches (LOVED IT!! I really enjoy working my abs.  I think maybe because I still have great abs under all this...ahem...padding.)
20 Second standard crunch (see above)
45 second plank (I am good at those.  The last 10 seconds I had to focus my breathing.)

Then my favourite part....STRETCHING!!!  The only thing to say there - while stretching my right Quad, I was able to balance on my left leg and not hold on to Caity.  That's a huge accomplishment for me. I have virtually no balance!

What I noticed most:
-          I puff and pant like a beast
-          Was yawning often as my body was not getting enough oxygen due to the puffing and panting
-          Near the very end I was light headed because I didn’t eat for 5 hours. Next time I need to snack 2 hours beforehand
-          Even though I feel like I want to quit half way through something, plugging away will get me to my goals and the sense of accomplishment is incredible!
-          I really need to figure out this shoe/foot pain

And so ends Day 1 of my 90 Day Challenge!!!