Wednesday 11 January 2012

Day 3 - Getting Sick But Pushing On

Today I woke up at 0445 and was in the state where I could have woken up and started the day or go right back to sleep.  I chose sleep.  I fully expected to have to be woken up but to my surprise, I was up AGAIN before my alarm at 0555. (My alarm is set for 0630.) That’s two days in a row.  (Here’s a secret for you – I sleep through my alarm every day and have my husband phone me every morning to wake me up.  I sometimes fall asleep on him when he calls even. So waking BEFORE my alarm??? Twice???)

I was wide awake all day at work...even though I am sick. Yes, I welcome your pity.  I can feel it starting in my throat and nose.  Probably because during the asthma attacks yesterday I was sucking in so much cold air.  Maybe. I’m not a doctor.

I had the Shake mixed with one packet of Chocolate Mix In and one packet of Banana Mix In this morning. It wasn’t bad.  I prefer a half banana to the Mix In though. Now I know.

I was later than anticipated and not able to meet with Caity for our workout tonight. (My fault.) However, I am off Friday and instead of heading home Thursday night, I will stay in town and meet up with her in the morning! I partially made that arrangement to prove I was not trying to get out of the workout (much to my surprise, I really look forward to them) and partially because I am longing for it.  I still can’t believe that part.

I think the main difference as to why I love working out is because we are outdoors.  I NEVER get outdoors. Not since I no longer have a dog. I thoroughly enjoy it. I am not a gym person.  They intimidate me and make me feel a little dreary. I don’t mind fitness classes, but I don’t care for machines.

I was thinking maybe I’d take tonight off.  My body feels like “moving” but my brain is saying “NAH....take a day off!” Then my little pea sized brain remembered something I want to share.  Today was an amazing day for many reasons I won’t get into. Among these reasons, I received an email today from someone I truly did not expect an email from.  Turns out that they read my blog. Not only were they very supportive, they told me something that blew my mind.  They told me that “I” motivated “them”!! Mind blowing to me.  Someone in better shape than me is telling ME that after reading my blog THEY went for a workout.  If I were a better writer, I could describe the sense of pride I felt. It made my day and in turn motivated me.  No, I will NOT throw in the towel and take a day off tonight. I will go to the gym and swim some laps. I don’t think I should be in the night air with this cold coming on. But I WILL be exercising tonight! I’ll never mention names on here unless I ask permission first (like Caity), or someone asks me to mention them. But I know when they see this, they will know they motivated me too.

So no breakdown of how I felt tonight with my workout. It’s just laps. I am a strong swimmer and push myself well. Tomorrow we’ll talk about the Thursday workout.  I am not scheduled with Caity tomorrow, so maybe I will take a class at the gym.  Not my preference, but it is better than leaving it in my hands. I might cheat and not work myself as hard. I truly am a lazy person and stubborn at times. I know, I know: surprising!

If those others whom I spoke with today are reading this too, I enjoyed our awesome chat and because of it, I am PUMPED.

Because I am not feeling the greatest, I will have a hot drink tonight.  When I get home I will have a hot cocoa mixed with the Visalus shake mix and some mint extract.
Then this sicky is going to bed in a nice cozy, warm cocoon.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I am rooting for you. Impressed that you push on when things get tough and also when you are sick!
