Tuesday 10 January 2012

Day 2 - Asthma AND Balance?

Today I woke up and packed my gym clothes and organized a sample kit for someone who is interested in learning more about the Challenge and then got ready for work.  The reason I mention that is because it is unusual for me to wake before my alarm clock or phone call from my husband.  I awoke energized.

By the time I got to work though, I was getting sleepy AND hungry.  I’ve been doing my morning Shakes at work with a friend of mine.  Keeps us both on track and helps me think of creative ways to make new shakes.

I had the Shake mixed with Tropicana 50 Pomegranate and Blueberry juice again this morning.  Glad nobody stole my juice from the communal fridge!  Within 2 hours, I no longer felt tired.

Not much else to mention...work was work, etc. Oh, but I did change at work and then noticed my gym bag smelled from when I had my clothes in it the night before. YUCK! Apparently these sweat sucking body armour style clothes, while keeping you dry, make the clothes STINK!  I will one day coordinate the clothes better.  Tonight I was wearing black pants, New Balance shoes, bright purple New Balance hat, grey Livestrong Nike jacket and a blue Walking Room shirt. What can I say? They were all on sale and keeping dry is key in this cold.

My workout today saw some challenges and amazingly incredible accomplishments. I am so proud and impressed at the improvements already!!!!

Here is the breakdown:
5 minute walking warm up  (Feeling pretty good...ready to run...but found out when learning to run you don’t run two days in a row...ahhhhh)
25 intervals of 1 minute fast and 1 minute moderate walking intervals (This was interesting tonight.  I was feeling the workout.  I’m a REALLY pokey walker, so walking fast is a work out for me. I was hating my puffing and panting. I always hate it because it clearly shows how out of shape I am. However, what I failed to realize was that I was having an asthma attack.  I was almost to the top of a hill when I realized, I’m not puffing like usual, I am gasping for air and not getting any and it hurts to breath.  Took my inhaler and was good to go.  Had another attack near the end.  This could be due to the cold air.)
5 minute cool down (I like cool downs. I am quite happy at my pokey pace.)

12 Oblique Weighted Throws (5 pounds) (I like these. Definitely easier to do on my left side. Not too coordinated on the right side.)
20 Medicine Ball Throws (8 pounds) (LOVE these.  Never thought I’d say that so much about exercising.)
Repeated the above 2X (Was a little short of breath and had to push through on the last few of each, but will say again, I love working the abs!)

20 Second Plank on hands!!! (This is the push up position on hands and toes. Perfect form and held for 20 seconds!!!!!!!!!!! I almost cried!!! Last time we did this, I could not do it at all – I fell. We switched to on elbows and I STILL could not hold myself up for more than 6 seconds!!!!!!!)
20 Second Side Plank on knee with leg raised/side (Not bad, I was always pretty good with these.  On the right side I started to push at 18 seconds, on the left I had a few more seconds in me that I could give.)
10 Jumping Runner Lunges (That looks like when a runner is about to start a race but you jump and switch starting legs...10 times...in a row...then die!!!! I do NOT like those.  That was something I pushed myself through the entire time. UGH!)10 Touch Toe Sit Ups (Lie on your back with your feet up and lift your shoulders off the ground to crunch up and touch your toes....when Caity does them.  When Sheila does them – look like a poor turtle on its back and come 6-8 inches away from your toes and your shoulder don’t come off the ground.  AKA...pathetic sight! That needs work!!!)
10 Touch Toe Oblique’s (See above...poor turtle. I didn’t know turtles grunted!!)
Balance work  (Similar to field sobriety test.  I always wonder what I’d do if an officer gave me one of those.  I don’t drink alcohol, yet if ever stopped, I couldn’t lift my leg without falling.  Heck, I fall sometimes when standing still on TWO legs!  Seriously though, I did fairly well.  My body did jiggle. I was not still and my arms were doing a waving flapping motion.  But it was much better than last time I did them!)

Stretches (As mentioned yesterday, I love stretching.  Another HUGE accomplishment for me – I did my quad stretches without holding on to anything nor Caity.  My balance is improving and I am amazed!! Truly an accomplishment!)

What I noticed:
-          I puff and pant like a beast still and now recognize when it is an asthma attack
-          Was not yawning often today
-          I ate 2 hours before seeing Caity and was not light headed nor did I feel like I had food sloshing (I thought I would feel that way, so I didn’t eat before seeing her yesterday)
-         I push myself a LOT more than I ever have physically. I am determined and proud of myself!
-        No foot pain today.  Seems to only be during squats, lunges and pushups
-     I have low back pain when doing the turtle on the back ab crunches. I think it is due to my weight as I don’t have the pain in other positions

Now I am just finished my Shake mixed with Almond milk and the Chocolate flavoured Mix In and heading to bed for an early night!
Thanks for stopping by.  Good night!

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