Monday 9 January 2012

Day 1 - Feeling The Burn!

So here it is.  My first blog and my first day of the 90 Day Challenge.  Thanks for stopping by and having a read :)

There were a few reasons I decided to start this blog:
- so I can look back and reflect on what I have accomplished
- to show others who are not in the best of shape that they too can do this
- to prove to those who do not believe in me or in Visalus that they are incorrect :)
- so those who do believe in me can follow along with my progress

I have committed that I will lose 30 pounds by March 19th or I will dress as a pumpkin and go shopping at Walmart and post a video of it on YouTube.  My short term goal is to lose 30 pounds.  My longer term goal is to run a half marathon in October.

So...let's get to Day One shall we?

This morning I started the day with mixing my Visalus shake with Tropicana 50 Pomegranate Blueberry Juice.
My dinner time shake was a Visalus shake mixed with a half of a banana and Almond Milk.

My workout today felt AMAZING...(sort of)... It felt great at some parts during and definitely after.  But some parts of it were horrific feeling at times!

Here is the breakdown:
5 minute walking warm up  (Feeling pretty good...ready to run.)
5 intervals of 20 second run/1 minute walk (First 4 intervals were really good. It felt tremendous to run and didn't quite take the full minute to recover. I suggested we increase to 30 seconds of running.  That was UNTIL the last interval was no longer running on a decline.  That last interval really showed me how running is NOT easy.  It took the full minute...and then recover with my breathing.)

20 travel squats (I don't mind squats, I kind of like them. However, by 14, I was ready to quit.  My legs were on fire and I was running out of steam.  I pushed through and Caity was very encouraging.  I made it....barely!)
20 walking lunges (Oi!! Someone desperately needs to work on balance! Lunges aren't "bad", I have great form. However, by 12, I was ready to give up.  My legs again were burning and I was running out of steam.  Again I pushed through, grunting all the way.)
12 leg dead lifts (I like these.  Piece of cake, but don't tell Caity that. The balls of my feet really hurt. Even with these expensive new shoes.  I need to determine if it's the shoes or my weight causing the pain.)

10 Explosions (Squat and touch the ground and then spring up as you jump.  It was fun...for 6 of them.  Wow...not as easy as they look.  It takes a LOT of energy to get THIS body off the ground in a jump.  I was puffing and panting after that.)
1 minute of Step Ups (Not too coordination has a lot to be desired. The last 10 seconds I just wanted to lay down on the ground.  But I have goals and dreams and laying around won't get me there!)
20 Jumping Jacks (What??? who would have thought you need coordination for those?? those were ok, we all know how to do those.  Not sure what happened after 16, but I was kind of just hopping all over the place.)12 Push Ups (I like those...a LOT. I have good form. Caity is great at reminding me to keep my core tight.  Really had to push through the last 4.  Again, the balls of my feet hurt.)
12 Tricep Push Ups (Again, I like those.  My triceps need WORK.  Was struggling through those for the last 6.)
Repeated the above 2X each.  (Struggling at the same spots both times.)

12 Seated Leg Extensions (I didn't like those. I think I disliked most how my fat felt.  Also, the last 5 were getting difficult.)
12 per side boxing/crunch combo (LOVED IT!!! really feel it in the abs when I crunch.)
24 Standing Oblique Crunches (LOVED IT!! I really enjoy working my abs.  I think maybe because I still have great abs under all this...ahem...padding.)
20 Second standard crunch (see above)
45 second plank (I am good at those.  The last 10 seconds I had to focus my breathing.)

Then my favourite part....STRETCHING!!!  The only thing to say there - while stretching my right Quad, I was able to balance on my left leg and not hold on to Caity.  That's a huge accomplishment for me. I have virtually no balance!

What I noticed most:
-          I puff and pant like a beast
-          Was yawning often as my body was not getting enough oxygen due to the puffing and panting
-          Near the very end I was light headed because I didn’t eat for 5 hours. Next time I need to snack 2 hours beforehand
-          Even though I feel like I want to quit half way through something, plugging away will get me to my goals and the sense of accomplishment is incredible!
-          I really need to figure out this shoe/foot pain

And so ends Day 1 of my 90 Day Challenge!!!

1 comment:

  1. Go Sheila go...I am impressed with the work out regime ... you're an athlete girl! :) I definitely like your workout'll have to be my personal trainer when you're in the city ... let's workout together sometime soon!
