Saturday 14 January 2012

Day 5 - Oh What A Mixed Feeling Day

Day 5, oh Day 5, you were an interesting one, weren’t you?

This morning, I did not have a shake, I had it for lunch.
This afternoon I had my Visalus shake with 4 fresh strawberries.

Originally, the plan was going to be to run as long as I can so we can use it as a base. Instead, Caity decided that we should do the 20 second run / 1 minute walk routine to monitor my asthma since it was -6.5 and snowing. She’s a smart one.  My asthma was really bad today. We had to head inside for the last half of the work out.

Today’s workout was extremely frustrating and also quite rewarding.

5 minute walking warm up  (It was quite slippery today and cold, but I was ready to run.)
8 intervals of 20 second run/1 minute walk (This was so very frustrating.  I had two asthma attacks during these intervals.  I took the puffs and pushed on, but it was so frustrating. It wasn’t until later in the day that I realized I increased the intervals by 3 since Monday. That’s pretty sweet!)

20 travel squats (Blown away by my balance during these. My core is already strengthening! Had to push through after 16, last time I was pushing at 14.)
20 walking lunges (My balance was incredible.  I did these with ease. Until yet another asthma attack.  I completed them, but my breathing was brutal.)
12 leg dead lifts (These were really good.  Still hurt my feet.)

20 Explosions (On Day 1 I did 10 of these and felt like I was dying after 6. Today I did 20!!!!!! Pushed through at 16.)
30 seconds of Step Ups (It was one minute last time, but this time I was having asthma issues.)
20 Jumping Jacks (Done with ease.  Coordination was excellent compared to Day 1.)12 Push Ups (Love these!!)
12 Tricep Push Ups (Again, I like those. Was struggling through those for the last 6.)
Repeated the above 2X each.  (Except for the step ups, instead we changed it to scissor kicks for 1 minute.)

12 per side boxing/crunch combo (Still really enjoy these!)
24 Standing Oblique Crunches (LOVED IT!!)
20 Second standard crunch (see above)
1 minute plank (Monday was only 45 seconds!)

I told Caity half way through that I was ready to give up. I was so angry that I could not run today like I wanted to on account of my asthma. At the same time, I wanted to finish to prove I am strong. Caity was extremely encouraging and I completed the workout with modifications when needed.

What I recognized today:
-     I was able to catch the asthma attacks right away, unlike the first time I had one
-     This is truly about mind over matter.  I wanted to give up because I was disappointed. But keeping focussed and plugging along I got a great workout and a true sense of accomplishment
-     My balance has come a very long way in just 4 days.  It’s almost like night and day!
-     I bet I could have easily done 10 running intervals if it was not for the asthma
-     I will go to the doctor to ensure my inhaler is correct for me – one dose should have been sufficient

It is unbelievable how much I have improved in four short days.  It really makes me want to push on and see what else I am capable of. 

I did not have a second shake today.  Instead I had dinner out with someone I have not seen in ages. That’s ok, I’ll go back to having two per day tomorrow.

Oh…and that surprise I mentioned yesterday did come together for me. I got a tattoo. I never thought I’d ever have a tattoo. A small cancer ribbon on my left wrist coloured in peach. I absolutely love it. It’s just my way of saying “I beat you, cancer, and I will continue to fight!”

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