Friday 3 August 2012

Energy? Check. Sleep? Check.

Generally speaking, I have been updating my blog at the end of the day right before I head to bed. This blog is being updated Friday morning for Thursday. Why?? Because I was in bed at 9pm last night!! That is almost unheard of. But it was WONDERFUL!
Thursday, I was up early and decided that since I’d be moving and packing in the evening, I’d go for a power walk. Let me tell you….I am loving having me energy back! However, after a full day of working my butt of at work, I was sleepy when I got home. Not much packing got done. Ok…none did.

Yesterday I only had one Shake…Visalus Shake mixed with Vi-Defy. Time just passed me yesterday and I was so enthralled in my workload and meeting my deadlines that I never thought to eat, nor drink my shakes. I did, however, manage to drink more water.

This weekend is a long weekend here in Ontario and because I met my deadline, I get to have it off too…woohooooo. Actually, I don’t mind if my long weekend is this weekend or next, as long as I have a long weekend in there somewhere.

Saturday morning I will be delivering the furniture and items that I’ve been packing up. Oh to have my basement back and my old furniture gone!! What a wonderful feeling. With that space in the basement, we can then move things downstairs to empty upstairs and continue with renovations! With the extra income from Visalus, we have changes the tile in the entrance hall, some of our doors and completely gutted the upstairs bathroom down to the bare bones and redid it all. I have me a soaker tub now! Next we want to redo the floors and doors in each bedroom and paint the while upper level. We are also going to make an office for my Visalus business. I can’t wait!

Part of the reason I am so excited over renovations is that I don’t do any of it. I hire someone. People tell me all the time that it is so satisfying when you do your own renovations. A sense of accomplishment. I totally get that and agree it would feel awesome. I like going to work and then coming home and seeing everything done! That’s MY way of renovating.

All that to say….have a safe and fun long weekend. I only have plans for Saturday morning and then it will be spontaneous day trips and events for me the rest of the weekends. LOVE IT!

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