Sunday 19 August 2012

Weekend condensed...know what today is?

Friday was a great day. I was extremely busy at work, but that is my favourite way to be.

Immediately after work I had a Challenge Party. Something about those parties makes me in a great mood. I think it may be seeing everyone have so much fun and knowing that I am helping to motivate them to work towards a healthier lifestyle.

At work I had both Shakes and both were made with Visalus Shake Mix and Instant Coffee. That seems to be something I have been enjoying for a little while now.

Saturday was a busy day. I had my hair done and in the evening I went to a Networking Barbeque. It was probably the best networking event I have attended in a long time. I met so many wonderful people. I had four people comment on how personable I am. It makes me smile and still throws me off guard a little. I always thought I was shy….apparently not!

On Saturday I only had one Visalus Shake. It was mixed with fresh blueberries.

Today is Sunday…the big day! The day I get my official weigh in from the doctor’s office. I am so excited. WOW…being excited to see my weight…incredible!

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