Monday 27 August 2012

Relaxed...or lazy...weekend

It’s Monday….already. Seems like this weekend flew by, even though I didn’t do much at all. On Saturday I did half of my circuit training as the Chiropractor told me which exercised to skip. I did skip those, but my hip felt a little funny on Sunday so I skipped Sunday’s workout too.

This morning, I decided not to go to the gym as well. My hip is being temperamental and I don’t want to make it angry. However, if it still feels this way tomorrow, I will go regardless. Maybe the mobility will help it (?)  Regardless, I am going for a walk with a friend tomorrow night. I’m looking forward to that. She replied some time ago to my plea for a workout buddy. Unfortunately, we’ve had to reschedule a few times, but tomorrow we are set!!
I thought I was going for a weigh in on Sunday. I did notice that I didn’t have anything booked; however, my doctor takes walk ins. I called in the morning and he was off. Turns out, I knew that. Oops. So I didn’t get the official weigh in and next week is a long weekend and I am not certain if he is working. Either way, I will get weighed in soon and will just stay on track in the meantime.
On the weekend I bought a lot of fruits and vegetables. I am looking forward to my Shakes today. I have fresh pineapple and coconut. I can’t wait to have a “fresh” pina colada shake!
I guess it’s time to head to work now. After work I am attending another ViSalus Group Challenge Party. I have some guests attending as well. What a perfect way for them to find out all about the Challenge and sample some Shakes.

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