Friday 24 August 2012


On Tuesday, if you recall, I did circuit training before work and had a tough time focussing all day. I wasn't sure if it was from working out so early or just "one of those days". Yesterday I did the same workout before work and even though I wanted to quit 15 minutes in, I pushed myself the whole time.....and.....I  felt incredible the entire day!

Today I did not work out as it seems my hip/back hurts. I'm going to try to get in to the chiropractor today and if he gives the ok, I will work out tonight.

Yesterday my shakes were both made with instant coffee (the 2nd had a chocolate mix in added).

Last night was a struggle. My husband and I went to an event where appetizers were being circulated. Such yummy, yummy food. I had to remind myself that a taste would suffice. No sense eating 3 sliders. They will all taste the same. In no time I found myself mingling and networking and my mind was off the food.

I really think knowing my problem (my food obsession/addiction) and recognizing the signs help me control myself. I don't like that it's a constant struggle, but I will overcome it. Funny thing - I've been like this all my life; I just now am recognizing it. One thing I enjoy about the ViSalus Shakes is that I feel so much healthier that, often times, even though I think about junk food when it is in front of me I don't actually feel like it. I know it will make me feel gross.

I'm looking forward to my weigh in on Sunday. I think I'll ask my doctor to also write my inches lost.

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