Saturday 11 August 2012

Every pound lost is a pound in the right direction...

Today was a much better day than yesterday, that’s for sure!
I have increased my water intake quite a bit, but still am not up to what I should be. I’m surprised what a struggle that is for me. It sounds so easy, but I just haven’t been able to master it…..yet.

I want to thank everyone for their input on what promotional offers I should implement. Very creative ideas. I will have my new promotion on my website in the beginning of the week.

This week wasn’t one of my “best”: some days only one shake in the day; some days with no exercise; and then there is the three brownie day…ugh. However, I got on the scale for a sneak peek...yay! Looking forward to my next weight in on Monday. I do have three days left, but I don’t think it will be as large a loss as last week. I am not at all disappointed with what I saw today. Every pound less is a pound towards my goal.

This weekend I am going to increase my physical fitness and enjoy the outdoors, regardless of the weather.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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