Friday 10 August 2012

Uh oh! Let's not do THIS again....

I blew it today. Not a little. A lot…a whole lot.
My husband made some brownies for me to take to work. I took them and shared them. That was the point, right? But to “share”, one needs to partake….don’t they? Otherwise it is “giving away” and not “sharing”.  Ok, ok…you caught me. That was a stretch and a half for an excuse. All that to say…I ate brownies today. Not one…not two….THREE! Three too many!

That wasn’t all. After work my husband and I picked up his step mom and took her to an all you can eat Italian Buffet. Now, buffets are not too bad for me. I really don’t eat much at them anymore. However, I only had one Visalus shake today. (Visalus shake with Grape Tropicana juice.)

Now I am exhausted and it is pouring rain and I am not going to get any exercising in before I head to bed in a couple of minutes.

Am I angry or feeling defeated? Not really. I am disappointed that I didn’t listen to my inner voice. I knew better and never even tried to control myself. I am definitely disappointed, but I know that tomorrow is another day. I am not too distraught as I do think that we need to indulge every now and again. However, three brownies was a bit much!

I do have to keep a few things in mind:

1)    Eating right and exercising is a lifestyle change. One bad day should be just that…ONE bad day.

2)    I should not be surprised by poor weight loss results this week.

3)    I am supposed to be setting an example and this is a poor example to set.

4)    Now that I’ve gone public, I know my “haters” are watching with anticipation of me failing and the opportunity to criticize me…they won’t win in the end! I will!!

The one thought I want everyone to remember doesn’t necessarily relate to working out, nor eating healthy…you can relate this to any aspect of your life: Do NOT be upset with the results you didn’t get with the work you didn’t do!!! Tomorrow…I will “work”!

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