Sunday 12 August 2012

Relaxing and Reflective weekend...

What a productive weekend…even with all the relaxing and visiting.

Saturday was a much enjoyed Spa Day. Ahhhhhh…pedicure, facial, massage…sooooo nice!!! Followed by dinner at a family member’s house.

Sunday, I started that day with a Visalus Challenge Party. I really love them. It’s fun to have people try different shakes and see what they think. It was especially helpful today as it motivated me for the week! While sharing some of my struggles, it made me realize some area I can focus on AND I even came up with some tips for myself to help me in some weak areas.

It’s hard for me sometimes to update my blog – to admit that I am struggling from time to time. Today, I was made aware from two separate people how my blog has helped them realize they are not the only one struggling. They both mentioned that they see my physical changes and think “Sheila did it and she struggled along the way. I can do it too.” WOW! Goes to show I never really know who is reading this or what they are getting out of it.
I am so glad I am helping people in some way, shape of form. This blog also helps me. By typing it out and sharing it with the world, I am able to see the areas that are my weak spot more clearly.

Sometimes it is easy to think that if you don’t let others know you’ve fallen a bit, you can get away with it. In worst case scenarios, one might continue to fall and hide their struggles – rest assured, they are only fooling themselves. So while I find it hard to admit my setbacks openly, I know that I am not fooling anyone if I don’t say a word. It would be noticed. Just as my successes will be too!

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