Sunday 19 August 2012

Official Weigh In...and looking for motivation...

Sunday is a cleaning day. Not a whole lot going on other than cleaning and preparing some lunches for the week.

Lately, the evenings have been quite cool; which is just fine by me! I already have the music picked out that I will walk to. I am looking forward to going for a long walk. It is so much easier to walk faster and longer for me when I am distracted by my music. I don’t even realize how long I’ve been walking for.

I am doubting you are reading this to find out about my cleaning and walking. So…here are the results…I am down another six pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A total of 13 pounds in 3 weeks! Unfortunately, I did leave my note from my doctor in his office. However, I will be back for another weigh in on Sunday and you will see for yourself that it is even more weight loss at that time.

Right now I am taking a break from cleaning to write this and then make a schedule for hitting the gym. When I was working out with Caity I was addicted. I loved working out. It felt incredible! I want that feeling back. I am having such a hard time getting back out there on my own. I did pull out my Camp Gladiator mat so it is ready to go….now I just need to GO!

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