Wednesday 15 August 2012

Monday Weigh In Results Are.........

…didn’t happen. There was a mix up at the Doctor’s office between what time my appointment was and what time I was heading in. By that, I mean I was late because I was confused on the time. Oh well. I am rescheduled for Sunday and I can’t wait!!! I hopped on the scale and am beaming! I LOVE my ViSalus!!! I’d tell you what I lost, but I prefer to use the Doctor’s scale as my official weight – just to keep it consistent.

Monday was a good day; however, I did do a big no-no. After work, my husband and I went shopping at Costco and loaded up on healthy food (a LOT of fruits and vegetables). I was already tired by the time we got home and he made me dinner. YUM! Shortly after I ate, I went to bed - An early night for me (approximately 10:30 PM). You should NEVER to that! Never eat and go to bed. But I was soooooooo tired!

Today I woke up very well rested. I started the day by pulling out my juicer and making a glass of juice consisting of Pineapple, Watermelon, Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries, Grapes, Cantaloupe and Honey Dew Melons and then mixed it with my ViSalus Shake Mix. Delicious!! BUT…very time consuming and you use a LOT of fruit to make one glass of juice. Also, it was a bit of work to clean it all up and I should not have started before work. I think that I will just take the fruit with me tomorrow and use my Vitamix (that’s a “blender” and not a ViSalus product – in case you were wondering).

At work I was very conscious about drinking a lot more water through the day. I am still struggling with that, but make a lot more of an effort. I also had a big glass of Vi-Defy (the promotional juice I was telling you about before from ViSalus). I’m not sold on that flavour yet. It’s not “bad”; I just expected a completely different flavour. But the ingredients are unbelievable, so I am going to continue to drink it. The flavour is ok…again, not what I expected.

I packed healthy snacks and felt really energized at work today. In the afternoon there was a function at work and a lot of people were pouring and drinking coffee. I don’t drink coffee often at all, but it smelled so good. So I put my ViSalus Shake Mix at the bottom of the cup and poured the hot coffee over it. Again…delicious!

This evening, I was still full of energy. I did laundry, dishes, made dinner, did some research, returned phone calls and sent out some ViSalus samples. I was about to update my Blog, but stopped to jump on the scale. My eyes bulged out of my head! It seems I really forgot how ViSalus truly works! I was pumped at the number I saw and decided it was time to speed walk; I dug out the shoes I bought in Texas and wore them for the first time. It was like walking on a cloud and I power walked to my music for 45 minutes. Everyone, it is so easy to find time to do even a little exercise….something I “forget”…er…make excuses for constantly.

I have to say, I love my energy levels, my overall happier mood AND…ready for this? My eczema on my finger = GONE!

I can’t wait to weigh in on Sunday. I put the scale away for now because it is not healthy to be addicted to it on a daily basis. But I am so happy every time I check and it goes down even a little…it’ll be hard to not want to peek!

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