Friday 17 August 2012

I get paid to party!!!

Thursday was a great day. I had an amazing day at work and an amazing 90 Day Challenge Party after work. I met a lot of great people and it’s always fun to have them sample different Visalus Shakes. I forgot how many creative recipes there are. We tried Strawberry Cheesecake, S’mores, Iced Coffee and a new one for me – Strawberry Rhubarb! That was really good. I’m not sure I will have it at home myself as I never have rhubarb on hand. As with all Challenge Parties, I bring everything including ingredients. However, these folks were so excited to try more Shakes that they wanted to try their own creations.

For my own Shakes I had:
- hot instant coffee mixed with Visalus Shake Mix
- fresh fruit mixed with Visalus Shake Mix and sugar free caramel sauce…just to hit my sweet tooth.

My Challenge Party was in Bolton, which isn’t all that far, but I was sleepy when I got home. I am finding it interesting that my body is changing over the years. This isn’t necessarily a Visalus observation, just an observation in general: I find that I am getting 6-7 hours of sleep per night. QUALITY sleep! This is such a change from my usual 2-3 hours per night. It is a welcomed change for sure. While I don’t recall the reasons why, I do recall being told and seeing online that a good night’s sleep aids in the weight loss process.

This weekend I have another Challenge Party and perhaps some shopping. My pants are getting looser. Hmmmm…I wonder why!

On a business note (and I have not done this on my blog before), I would like to suggest that if you are looking for an exciting career where you can: meet some incredible people; help people transform their lives; receive some huge bonuses; get paid for having fun and potentially being paid more than enough to retire on, then I suggest you seriously look into ViSalus.

ViSalus is really going places. Do your research!! Check out my Website:
If you have any questions, I’d be happy to assist you.

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